Cancao Nova Popular Books

Cancao Nova Biography & Facts

The Canção Nova (English: New Song) is a Brazilian Catholic community founded by Monsignor Jonas Abib in 1978, following the lines of Catholic Charismatic Renewal. Headquartered in the city of Cachoeira Paulista (SP), it occupies an area of 372,000 m2 and has a long-range radio and television system, extending to other countries such as Portugal, Italy, Israel, France and Paraguay. History Four decades ago (1976), when Archbishop Antonio Afonso de Miranda, Emeritus Bishop of Taubaté, told then Father Jonas Abib: "Since you work with young people, start with the young that is easier," this priest understands as called God and that has leveraged the first members and continues to intensify today. In 1968, the first meetings with young people began, and from 1972 began the experiences of prayer in the Holy Spirit in Lorraine for the first personal meeting with Christ and the baptism in the Holy Spirit, when the need arose and a structured and adequate room for such meetings, was when in the city of Areias (SP) found a farm that instituted the birth of the Canção Nova Association, after two years, began to the first Mission House was built in the neighboring city of Queluz, which was named “Canção Nova - the House of Mary”. In June 1976, the first meeting for girls, called the Maranathá of girls, was held by Monsignor Antonio Afonso de Miranda, then Bishop of Lorena. Thus the evangelizing bases of the Canção Nova were born, with Father Jonas attending the office where he was given the mission to put into practice the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Nuntiandi: Evangelization in the Contemporary World, signed by Pope Paul VI on December 8 and published on December 21, 1975. In the year following 1977, Fr. Jonas through a catechesis course aimed at young people, turning into meetings called “Catechumenates”, he surpassed the limits, attracting the parents of this youth who perceived the transformation of their children and awakened their desire for this “something new”, happening faithfully. This was reflected in the document presented by the aforementioned bishop: “... Touched by grace, they gradually discover the face of Christ and expound nurtured the need to give Him up ”(EN, n. 44). Later, Father Jonas went further, decided to start an internal “Catechumenate”, but the young people would have to leave their families, their homes and their studies to give themselves to the Holy Spirit, and the first to be invited to this challenge were the young people of Queluz and only 12 accepted, so on February 2, 1978, the Canção Nova Community began. More and more, Fr. Jonas continued to follow another chapter of the pontifical document: “In our century so marked by mass media, the first proclamation, catechesis or the deepening of the faith cannot fail to use these means, as we have already emphasized. Put at the service of the Gospel, such means are capable of widening, almost to infinity, the field to be able to hear the Word of God and to bring the Good News to millions. The Church would feel guilty before Her Lord if she did not use these potent means which human intelligence makes ever more perfect. It is by using them that he 'preaches upon the terraces' the message that she is the keeper. In them you find a modern and effective version of the pulpit. Thanks to them you can talk to the crowds ”(EN, n.45). After the 1979 Carnival Retreat, called "Rebanhão", held in the city of Cruzeiro, began the construction of four mission houses in Cachoeira Paulista, even knowing they received by donation only a strip of land, and only one building was built. After numerous achievements, Jonas Abib, now Monsignor, declared: “Cachoeira Paulista is the place where God has placed us to live the mission of evangelization in a privileged way to carry out this evangelization through the media: the media, ”concludes Monsignor Jonas. On November 3, 2008, Canção Nova reached the Pontifical Recognition, receiving approval of its statutes from the Holy See and on this date were present in Rome, the founder of the Catholic community, Monsignor Jonas Abib along with the co-founders, Luzia Santiago and her husband Wellington Jardim; surrounded by dozens of Brazilian missionaries, friends and bishops, they celebrated the “yes” of the Church so that the mission of this Work of Evangelization could spread throughout the world. Evangelization The Canção Nova Community is one of the largest media systems for Catholic Evangelization in the world. In addition to having several radio stations spread throughout Brazil, it has a TV station that can be tuned in some cities by UHF and HDTV, and throughout the national territory via satellite, and is present in the line up of major pay-TV operators in Brazil. Canção Nova promotes events throughout Brazil, such as concerts, retreats, meetings, prayer camps, and also has a diverse product line: books, CDs, DVDs, LPO, videos, clothing, among other things. Structure Canção Nova has a covered stadium in its headquarters, the Dom João Hipólito de Moraes Evangelization Center, with capacity to receive about 80 thousand people. It is one of the largest indoor venues for Catholic events in Latin America. There is also the Rincão do Meu Senhor for 5,000 people with an area of 1,815 m2 and the São Paulo Auditorium for 580 people with an area of 1,400 m2. The headquarters also houses chapels, a medical post, a school, a restaurant, a bakery, a cafeteria, a bank, a religious articles store, a lodge, a campground, administrative buildings and social works. Average camps are 18 per year - not counting the Kairos on Sundays and Thursdays of worship. This 'little piece of heaven' (as it is affectionately called by the Canção Nova community) receives around 550,000 pilgrims annually. Mission Fronts Canção Nova has 6 mission fronts abroad, namely: Toulon in France, Rome in Italy, Jerusalem in Israel, Fátima in Portugal, Asunción in Paraguay and the United States. With their various homes in Brazil and some abroad, they evangelize through events, pilgrimages and the Catholic media, gathering groups of people who participate in their activities and their prayer groups. Canção Nova Communication System Canção Nova Telecommunication System operates in the three means of telecommunications, which are: radio, TV and Internet, as well as a publisher. Media They broadcast on their television, relays, radios, and the Internet 24 hours of programming aimed at Catholic indoctrination. In particular, its daily meetings and prayer times that take place at your headquarters. In the other hours of their stations, it broadcasts only indoctrination programs, and some others indirectly focused or based on this purpose. The system is maintained without commercial advertisements, relying on spontaneous donations from Listeners' Campaigns and sale of products linked to the "Canção Nova" brand through the DAVI-Visual Audio Department. Editorial Canção Nova has also been in the publishing market.... Discover the Cancao Nova popular books. Find the top 100 most popular Cancao Nova books.

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