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Daniel L Garcia Biography & Facts

Restless legs syndrome, also known as restless leg syndrome (RLS), also known as Willis–Ekbom disease (WED), is generally a long-term disorder that causes a strong urge to move one's legs. There is often an unpleasant feeling in the legs that sufferers improve somewhat by moving them. This is often described as aching, tingling, or crawling in nature. Occasionally, arms may also be affected. The feelings generally happen when at rest and therefore can make it hard to sleep. The disturbance in sleep may leave people with RLS sleepy during the day, with low energy, and irritable or depressed. Additionally, many have limb twitching during sleep, a condition known as periodic limb movement disorder. RLS is not the same as habitual foot-tapping or leg-rocking. Diagnosis and treatment Diagnosis of RLS is generally based on a person's symptoms after ruling out other potential causes. Risk factors include low iron levels, kidney failure, Parkinson's disease, diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, pregnancy and celiac disease. A number of medications may also trigger the disorder including antidepressants, antipsychotics, antihistamines, and calcium channel blockers. RLS may either be of early onset, occurring before age 45, or of late onset, occurring after age 45. Early-onset cases tend to progress more slowly and involve fewer comorbidities, while cases in older patients may progress suddenly and alongside other conditions. RLS may resolve if the underlying problem is addressed. Otherwise treatment includes lifestyle changes and medication. Lifestyle changes that may help include stopping alcohol and tobacco use, and sleep hygiene. Medications used to treat RLS include dopamine agonists like pramipexole and gabapentinoids (α2δ ligands) like gabapentin. RLS affects an estimated 2.5–15% of the American population. Females are more commonly affected than males, and RLS becomes increasingly common with age. History Sir Thomas Willis provided a medical description in 1672. Willis emphasized the sleep disruption and limb movements experienced by people with RLS. Subsequently, other descriptions of RLS were published, including by Theodor Wittmaack (1861) (in relation to whom it is sometimes known as Wittmaack-Ekbom syndrome). In 1945, Karl-Axel Ekbom (1907–1977) provided a detailed and comprehensive report of this condition in his doctoral thesis, restless legs: clinical study of hitherto overlooked disease. Ekbom coined the term "restless legs". Ekbom's work was largely ignored until it was rediscovered by Arthur S. Walters and Wayne A. Hening in the 1980s. Subsequent landmark publications include 1995 and 2003 papers, which revised and updated the diagnostic criteria. Signs and symptoms RLS sensations range from pain or an aching in the muscles, to "an itch you can't scratch", a "buzzing sensation", an unpleasant "tickle that won't stop", a "crawling" feeling, or limbs jerking while awake. The sensations typically begin or intensify during quiet wakefulness, such as when relaxing, reading, studying, or trying to sleep. It is a "spectrum disorder" with some people experiencing only a minor annoyance and others having major disruption of sleep and impairments in quality of life. The sensations—and the need to move—may return immediately after ceasing movement or at a later time. RLS may start at any age, including childhood, and is a progressive disease for some, while the symptoms may remit in others. In a survey among members of the Restless Legs Syndrome Foundation, it was found that up to 45% of patients had their first symptoms before the age of 20 years. "An urge to move, usually due to uncomfortable sensations that occur primarily in the legs, but occasionally in the arms or elsewhere." The sensations are unusual and unlike other common sensations. Those with RLS have a hard time describing them, using words or phrases such as uncomfortable, painful, 'antsy', electrical, creeping, itching, pins and needles, pulling, crawling, buzzing, and numbness. It is sometimes described similar to a limb 'falling asleep' or an exaggerated sense of positional awareness of the affected area. The sensation and the urge can occur in any body part; the most cited location is legs, followed by arms. Some people have little or no sensation, yet still, have a strong urge to move. "Motor restlessness, expressed as activity, which relieves the urge to move." Movement usually brings immediate relief, although temporary and partial. Walking is most common; however, stretching, yoga, biking, or other physical activity may relieve the symptoms. Continuous, fast up-and-down movements of the leg, and/or rapidly moving the legs toward then away from each other, may keep sensations at bay without having to walk. Specific movements may be unique to each person. "Worsening of symptoms by relaxation." Sitting or lying down (reading, plane ride, watching TV) can trigger the sensations and urge to move. Severity depends on the severity of the person's RLS, the degree of restfulness, duration of the inactivity, etc. "Variability over the course of the day-night cycle, with symptoms worse in the evening and early in the night." Some experience RLS only at bedtime, while others experience it throughout the day and night. Most people experience the worst symptoms in the evening and the least in the morning. "Restless legs feel similar to the urge to yawn, situated in the legs or arms." These symptoms of RLS can make sleeping difficult for many patients and a 2005 National Sleep Foundation poll shows the presence of significant daytime difficulties resulting from this condition. These problems range from being late for work to missing work or events because of drowsiness. Patients with RLS who responded reported driving while drowsy more than patients without RLS. These daytime difficulties can translate into safety, social and economic issues for the patient and for society. RLS may contribute to higher rates of depression and anxiety disorders in RLS patients. Primary and secondary forms RLS is categorized as either primary or secondary. Primary RLS is considered idiopathic or with no known cause. Primary RLS usually begins slowly, before approximately 40–45 years of age and may disappear for months or even years. It is often progressive and gets worse with age. RLS in children is often misdiagnosed as growing pains. Secondary RLS often has a sudden onset after age 40, and may be daily from the beginning. It is most associated with specific medical conditions or the use of certain drugs (see below). Causes While the cause is generally unknown, it is believed to be caused by changes in the neurotransmitter dopamine resulting in an abnormal use of iron by the brain. RLS is often due to iron deficiency (low total body iron status) and could be a sign of anemia caused by internal bleeding or bone marrow issues. Other associated conditions may include end-stage kidney disease and hemodialysis, folat.... Discover the Daniel L Garcia popular books. Find the top 100 most popular Daniel L Garcia books.

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