Die Zeit Popular Books

Die Zeit Biography & Facts

Die Zeit (German pronunciation: [diː ˈtsaɪt], lit. 'The Time') is a German national weekly newspaper published in Hamburg in Germany. The newspaper is generally considered to be among the German newspapers of record and is known for its long and extensive articles. History The first edition of Die Zeit was first published in Hamburg on 21 February 1946. The founding publishers were Gerd Bucerius, Lovis H. Lorenz, Richard Tüngel and Ewald Schmidt di Simoni. Another important founder was Marion Gräfin Dönhoff, who joined as an editor in 1946. She became publisher of Die Zeit from 1972 until her death in 2002, together from 1983 onwards with former German chancellor Helmut Schmidt, later joined by Josef Joffe and former German federal secretary of culture Michael Naumann. The paper's publishing house, Zeitverlag Gerd Bucerius in Hamburg, is owned by the Georg von Holtzbrinck Publishing Group and Dieter von Holtzbrinck Media. The paper is published weekly on Thursdays. As of 2018, Die Zeit has additional offices in Brussels, Dresden, Frankfurt, Moscow, New York City, Paris, Istanbul, Washington, D.C., and Vienna. In 2018, it re-opened an office in Beijing. Orientation The paper is considered to be highbrow. Its political direction is centrist and liberal or left-liberal. Die Zeit often publishes dossiers, essays, third-party articles and excerpts of lectures of different authors emphasising their points of view on a single aspect or topic in one or in consecutive issues. It is known for its very large physical paper format (Nordisch) and its long and detailed articles. Print edition Sections and supplements Die Zeit is divided into different sections, some of which are: Politik (politics) Streit (dispute) Dossier (dossier) Geschichte (history) Wirtschaft (economy) Wissen (science) Feuilleton (features) Zeitmagazin Appearance and printing The masthead lettering in the weekly Die Zeit with its elegant font was designed by Carl Otto Czeschka in 1946. Czeschka was inspired by the British daily newspaper The Times which shows the British national coat of arms in between The and Times. This was not only for graphic reasons, it also represented the founder's self-conception which he published in an editorial called "Unsere Aufgabe" ("Our Mission") on 21 February 1946. The very first version of Czeschka's design, which included the Hamburg crest, was used from the first edition (published on 21 February 1946) to the 12th edition (published on 9 May 1946). Other than the official coat of arms this crest featured peacock's feathers with little hearts on them. Additionally, the position of the lions' legs first resembled those of the old great coat of arms. The positions were changed in 1952. Regardless of this tiny difference, the crest was viewed as the great Hamburg coat of arms by the Hamburg Senate and was therefore considered a national emblem. Upon this, the crest was revised: An open gate was supposed to be incorporated to represent the cosmopolitanism of the hanseatic city. However, the Senate also declined this version that was printed in editions 13 to 18, as it was viewed a misuse of a national emblem for commercial purposes, which is still prohibited to this day. To avoid another prohibition, Zeit Magazin changed its masthead on 27 June 1946, into the Coat of arms of Bremen: The key and the golden crown of the city coat of arms, which was approved by Wilhelm Kaisen, the mayor of Bremen. This happened as a result of the mediation from Josef Müller-Marein who later became the editorial director of Die Zeit. The design with the Bremer Schlüssel in its masthead was also designed by Carl Otto Czeschka and is used as the logo of the whole publishing group today. With the demand from Ernst Samhaber, the Hamburg artist Alfred Mahlau had created the whole first edition which had a five-column break. The edition was printed in the printing house Broscheck in Hamburg. At the same time, Czeschka had also drawn the headlines of the first edition for the different sections of the newspaper. The articles of Die Zeit and, especially the leading articles on the first page, are traditionally longer and more detailed than the ones of a daily newspaper. However, in the past few years many articles have been noticeably shorter and include more pictures. Since the redesign by Mario Garcia in January 1998, the headlines have been printed in Tiemann-Antiqua. The running texts are printed in Garamond, a font that is very frequently used in books. Die Zeit did not join the discussion about the return of the traditional German orthography, which was led by Der Spiegel, Süddeutsche Zeitung and Bild. Starting in 1999, the newspaper used its in-house orthography which derived from the traditional orthography as well as from the different versions of the reformed orthography, which were edited by Dieter E. Zimmer. Since 2007, Die Zeit refrained from using the in-house orthography and started following the recommendations of the Duden. The nordisch format, a trademark of the newspaper, has always been addressed in literature and cabaret—mostly in satirical form. According to Hanns Dieter Hüsche Die Zeit is "so groß, wenn man die aufschlägt, muss der Nachbar gleich zum Zahnarzt" (lit. 'so big, if you open it, the neighbour must go to the dentist immediately'). In reality however, the format is not bigger than that of a dozen other German newspapers. Die Zeit is printed by the Frankfurter Societäts-Druckerei GmbH in Mörfelden-Walldorf. The Deutscher Pressevertrieb, based in Hamburg, is in charge of the distribution of the newspapers. Editor-in-chief 1946: Ernst Samhaber 1946–1955: Richard Tüngel 1957–1968: Josef Müller-Marein 1968–1972: Marion Gräfin Dönhoff 1973–1992: Theo Sommer 1992–1997: Robert Leicht 1997–2001: Roger de Weck 2001–2004: Josef Joffe and Michael Naumann 2004–present: Giovanni di Lorenzo Zeitmagazin The Zeitmagazin was first published as a supplement in 1970 and later discontinued in 1999. Die Zeit then introduced the section Leben (English: Lifestyle). Since 24 May 2007, Die Zeit reintroduced the Zeitmagazin. For the supplement's 40th birthday, Die Zeit published a 100-page anniversary issue, including 40 different covers – one for each year. Circulation The 1993 circulation of Die Zeit was 500,000 copies. With a circulation of 504,072 for the second half of 2012 and an estimated readership of slightly above 2 million, it is the most widely read German weekly newspaper. It reached 520,000 copies in the first quarter of 2013. Zeit Online Zeit Online is run by Zeit Online GmbH, a fully owned subsidiary of the publishing company Zeitverlag. The independent editorial office consists of around 70 editors, graphic designers and technicians. Upon 1 February 2009, Zeit Online, Tagesspiegel Online and zoomer.de were merged into Zeit Digital with one joint editorial office in Berlin. Only some editors as well as the technology and the marketing departments remained in Hamburg.... Discover the Die Zeit popular books. Find the top 100 most popular Die Zeit books.

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