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Megan Mackie Biography & Facts

Megan Mackie is a genre-bending fantasy writer. She has written several series including The Lucky Devil Series, The Saint Code Series, Dead World, Working Mask, Silverblooded Scion, The Adventures of Pavlov's Dog and Schrödinger's Cat, and Advanced Con Quest. Early life and education Megan Mackie graduated from the Cortiva Institute and began working in the massage therapy field in 2010 at the Balanced Body Integrated Wellness in Chicago's Logan Square neighborhood. She continued to work as a clinical massage therapist after becoming an author. Mackie wrote a play called "The Princess Peach Conspiracy", inspired by the Mario video game series, and performed at the New Millennium Theatre Company in 2014 in Chicago. She later ran a satirical podcast also called the "Princess Peach Conspiracy" She was a guest at the Pop! Con in Franklin Park, Illinois in 2017 and 2019, and she helped run the Bad Grammar Theater booth at Capricon in 2020. Personal life When Megan isn't writing, she likes to play board games, puzzle boxes, RPGs, and video games. She lives in Chicago with her husband and children, two dogs, two cats, and her mother in the apartment upstairs. She has become a personality at many comic conventions, recognizable by her iconic leather hat and engaging smile. Career Megan Mackie self-published The Finder of the Lucky Devil, the first novel in her Lucky Devil series. She is the author of The Lucky Devil Series (urban fantasy/cyberpunk), the Dead World Series (Post Post Zombie Apocalypse), The Adventures of Pavlov’s Dog and Schrodinger’s Cat (Mid-grade science fiction) and the Working Mask series (wannabe superhero). Her other work can be found on the Yonder app, where she has published three web novels, Cookbooks and Demons (paranormal demon romance), Star Courier (speculative Firefly-like fiction), and Novantis (steampunk political intrigue with sky pirates—think Bridgerton meets Black Sails). Outside of her own series, she is a contributing writer for the RPGs Legendlore and Legendlore: Legacies by Onyx Path. The Lucky Devil Series - Urban fantasy/Cyberpunk The Saint Code Series - Urban fantasy/Cyberpunk Working Mask - YA Superhero/Supervillain Dead World - Zombie Apocalypse Silverblood Series - Epic fantasy The Adventures of Pavlov's Dog and Schrodinger's Cat - Midgrade Science Fiction Advanced Con Quest: The Art of Selling at Cons References. Discover the Megan Mackie popular books. Find the top 100 most popular Megan Mackie books.

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