Tea Stilton Popular Books

Tea Stilton Biography & Facts

Geronimo Stilton is an Italian children's chapter book series created by Elisabetta Dami and written under the pen name of the title character. Scholastic Corporation began publishing the English version of the series in the US in February 2004. In the UK, the English books are published by Sweet Cherry Publishing. The series is set on a fictional version of Earth dominated by anthropomorphic mice and rats and focuses on the title character, a mouse who lives in New Mouse City on Mouse Island. A best-selling author in-universe, Geronimo Stilton, works as editor and publisher for the newspaper, The Rodent's Gazette. He has a younger sister named Thea Stilton, a cousin named Trap Stilton, and a nephew, nine-year-old Benjamin Stilton. Geronimo is a nervous, mild-mannered mouse who prefers a quiet life, yet keeps getting into faraway adventures with Thea, Trap, and Benjamin in both fictional and real locations. The books are written as fictional memoirs of him on these adventures. The books are designed and distributed in full color, depicting important words in the text as colored and in illustrative typefaces. The series, combined with many spin-off series, has sold over 180 million copies worldwide, and with over 200 entries. The series has also been adapted into an animated television series of the same name, theatrical shows, and video games. There are 309 books in total, including spin-offs. Creation In the 1990s, Elisabetta Dami found herself unable to have children, so she volunteered at children's hospitals to deal with this. Inspired by Patch Adams, who participates in Clown Care, she told humorous and adventurous stories starring the character of Geronimo Stilton and teaching morals to entertain patients. They appeared to love the stories, which would lead to her writing and publishing such stories. This character was born from my heart to bring me closer to a dream I sadly was not able to fulfil: that of having children. ... I started doing volunteer work with sick children. It was at the time when an American doctor called Patch Adams taught us that children need to laugh in order to recover ... I invented and told funny stories about a clumsy mouse that had lots of adventures, with twists in the plots and guaranteed happy endings. I wanted to entertain children, see their eyes bristling with joy and create a bridge toward enchantment. It was already Geronimo, the shy mouse that ... naturally, as a firm believer in teamwork, ended up calling on the help of his many friends. Thanks to him I became a mum to millions of children and experienced the friendship that helps one achieve everything, as well as honesty and sincerity that instill value in every single gesture, not to mention the curiosity and sense of adventure that keep you going. Characters Geronimo Stilton is the protagonist, and editor and publisher for The Rodent's Gazette, the most famous newspaper on New Mouse Island. He has a love of knowledge and has a strong sense of ethics and morals. Geronimo doesn't like to go on adventures with his family and friends, although he is passionate about writing adventure stories, which sell well in-universe. He was adopted by the Stilton family when he was young. Thea Stilton is Geronimo's younger sister and special correspondent for The Rodent's Gazette. Thea taught a journalism class at Mouseford Academy to five mice, Pamela, Paulina, Violet, Colette, and Nicky, who would name their group after her as the Thea Sisters and chronicle adventures of their own in the series Thea Stilton. She was also adopted by the Stilton family when she was young with her biological brother, Geronimo Stilton. Trap Stilton is Geronimo's cousin who travels along with him when he's called on. He is the owner of the store Cheap Junk for Less and is often mentioned as a chef. Benjamin Stilton is Geronimo and Thea's young 9-year-old nephew and often comes along with him on his many adventures. William Shortpaws, also known as Cheap Mouse Willy, is the founder of The Rodent's Gazette and Geronimo's grandfather. He adopted Geronimo and Thea Stilton when they were young. Sally Ratmousen is a recurring antagonist and publisher of The Daily Rat, The Rodent's Gazette's biggest competitor. Her grandmother, Molly Ratmousen, founded The Daily Rat at the same time as The Rodent's Gazette's founding. Creepella von Cacklefur is an enchanting and mysterious mouse who lives in Mysterious Valley and works both as a special effects designer for scary films and haunted houses and as a journalist. She is the protagonist of her own spin-off series with the same name. Professor Paws von Volt is a scientist and Geronimo's friend. Petunia Pretty Paws (original name Patty Spring) is a TV reporter and an environmentalist, whom Geronimo has a crush on. She also has a pesky niece, named Bugsy Wugsy. Hercule Poirat (a pun on Hercule Poirot) is Geronimo's childhood friend and private investigator of New Mouse City, bringing him on many of his cases. Wolfgang Wild Paws: is Petunia's twin brother and a TV producer, who is an environmentalist, like his sister. Bruce Hyena is a parachutist, adventurer, and Geronimo's adventurous friend who likes to sign him up on many crazy adventures. Shorty Tao is Bruce Hyena's cousin, the managing editor of The Rodent's Gazette, and she has a little brother, Baby Tao. The Paws family lived on a farm for many generations in the Giant Sequoia Valley, in Dolphin Bay. They are good friends with the Stiltons. Bugsy Wugsy (original name Pandora) is the daughter of John Wugsy and Furry Paws and Benjamin's best friend. Grandfather Paws is well-versed in natural sciences and once travelled the world in search of rare butterflies. Grandmother Paws at a young age, she travelled all over the world when planes were not built yet. Teddy Paws is the son of Grandfather and Grandmother Paws and brother of Bobby Paws. Jenny Littlepaw is Teddy's wife. Tom Paws is the son of Teddy and Jenny. Lucy Vally is Tom's wife. Lilly, Lally, and Lolly Paws are the daughters of Lucy and Tom. Lilly is five, Lally is seven, and Lolly is eleven. Bobby Paws is the son of Grandfather and Grandmother Paws and brother of Teddy Paws. Suzy Rattella is Bobby's wife. Furry Paws is the daughter of Bobby and Suzy and sister of Petunia and Wolfgang. John Wugsy is Furry's husband. Books Not all books and spin-off series are listed. The following lists are of ones that have been or are planned to be released in English. Geronimo Stilton Lost Treasure of the Emerald Eye (February 2004, originally published in 1997 in Italy as Il mistero dell'occhio di smeraldo) The Curse of the Cheese Pyramid (February 2004, originally published in 2000 in Italy as Il mistero della piramide di formaggio) Cat and Mouse in a Haunted House (February 2004, originally published in 2000 in Italy as Il castello di Zampaciccia Zanzamiao) I'm Too Fond of My Fur! (February 2004, originally published in 2000 in Italy as Ci tengo alla pel.... Discover the Tea Stilton popular books. Find the top 100 most popular Tea Stilton books.

Best Seller Tea Stilton Books of 2024

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    Kaixo, Tearen Kluba gara!Sagubonako Unibertsitatean ikasten dugu, eta abenturak eta misterioak maite ditugu. Oso lagun bereziak gara, lagunak baino zerbait gehiago ere: ahizpak!&#x...

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    Tea Stilton

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    Tea Stilton

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