I Don't Believe in God, Jesus or the Bible. God's Manual on Atheism and Other Religions. Book Reviews

Free From Bondage Ministry

I Don't Believe in God, Jesus or the Bible. God's Manual on Atheism and Other Religions. by Free From Bondage Ministry Book Summary

God's manual for Atheism and other religions. Because God understands why you don't believe in Him. And we want you to understand too. So read and learn. If we all understand each other better, this world could be a lot more peaceful.

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Book Name I Don't Believe in God, Jesus or the Bible. God's Manual on Atheism and Other Religions.
Genre Christianity
Language English
E-Book Size 138.96 KB

I Don't Believe in God, Jesus or the Bible. God's Manual on Atheism and Other Religions. (Free From Bondage Ministry) Book Reviews 2024

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Awful. Awful

Nope.. PlatypusDawg, hypocrite much? You cluttered the review with your nonsensical defense of Christians, which after reading all the reviews, was unfounded. As far as this book goes, if I wanted to feel that gut wrenching shock of others misinterpretations with a pinch of smugness toward idiots, I'd read a Chick Tract.

Oh, now I get it.. The devil made me do it.

Unreadable. Well, the first reviewer was right; what a waste of time. Not only is this book poorly written, with bad grammar and misused words (bare instead of bear), the message itself is sophomoric. I can't believe grown men and women believe this stuff, let alone try to write a convincing book for atheists. Horrible. Doesn't even have entertainment value, which is why I downloaded it. Not worth the disk space.

Starts different, ends the same. Granted I only skimmed through it but it started good making it sound like they understand other religions and just want people to understand each other and just get along. Towards the end it resembles all other Christian books by concluding that people of other religions are just to dumb to realize they are wrong. Oh and their defense for there entire argument in the last pages is amazingly bad.

I didnt fall for it!!. I havent even read the book and I already know its crap because no atheist would have written anything like that! Obviously the work from a believer's perspective about atheism. The title gives it away......God's manual on atheism and OTHER religions. Every atheist knows that atheism is NOT a religion!

“Who told you...” ... you were an Atheist?. As an Atheist that enjoys learning about religion, I was excited to read this book. I thought “Oh wow! A book that can use Christianity to explain Atheism.” Nope. It’s a book that explains parts of the Bible like you would a child and then tells you someone told you shouldn’t believe and now you don’t. I am pretty disappointed. I was looking for some new insight and instead I got a book that condescendingly told me about Adam and Eve, the “Ice Age Massacre” and that someone planted the Atheism seed in my mind like Inception.

Redundant. Redundant and poorly written, many grammar errors and spelling errors. Feels like a children's book.

Um....... So I'm a person of faith.... But after reading less than the first two pages I realized whoever wrote this was either intoxicated or having fun with other people of faith or religion. I'm just going to say this book had to be written under the influence.... Of something. Most atheists will read this and probably say, "and this is why we don't believe in God.... Christians are mocking us, and they also seem to have a lot to drink or smoke..."

Hinduism. I accepted the Hindu faith cause the bible contradicts itself and there really is more proof its real believe it or not sorry but only the one true god Brahman is there. He seperated him self into many making Hinduism only one god. Just try it

Crap. Just crap...that's all there is to say! Don't waste your time. Loads of CRAP!

Yeaaaaah no.. Whoever wrote this is not a believer, might be a Christian, but not a believer. Very disappointed in Free From Bondage Ministries. In fact, the whole beginning of the book was filled with pride about "how this book is like no other." Don't bother reading this. Very disappoint.

Really?. Well, this was a waste of 20 minutes... the argument lacks some serious logical consistency, but I guess I give them credit for even trying. But in all seriousness, logical fallacies abound. Let me save you the trouble of reading this poorly written farce: 1) give a poor portrayal of evolutionary history by suggesting prehistoric man were actually 'angels', 2) imply that humanity cannot trust their thoughts, whatsoever, 3) then imply that those who "chose" not to believe in Christianity are being telepathically manipulated. This entire argument (tantamount to decreeing, "I know you are, but what am I?") freely reinterprets scripture to fit their nonsense (where's the evidence that god's days were any different from man's? That's right, they made that up.), then insults your intelligence by implying that "your thoughts aren't your own". The whole thing's illogical. If I'm being telepathically manipulated, then I have no free will, and neither did Adam and eve, in eating the apple. If they couldn't distinguish their thoughts from the serpents, then how could they be held accountable for their actions? I could go on, but I'd be giving undue credence to a ridiculous pamphlet, written by people horribly unskilled in the act of intellectual honesty... which, is that at all surprising, if we're just supposed to blame "[whomever] told us?"

This book. Is a waste

No surprise here. The religious have been telling lies for 2000 yrs, what makes anyone think they're going to stop now?!!! They don't realize that most Atheists have read the bible, it's why they're Atheist. The christian god was a complete dick! Nasty killing machine who liked virgins and enjoyed killing babies. Who honestly could respect such a being? Not me, my moral standards are higher than that!

Seriously?!?!. First off I would like to say I believe in God but one thing I have a problem with is there's no scriptural reference to anything and is a complete embarrassment to Christianity Waste of time

None. Crap. So why does God the all powerful allow Satan to infect our minds?

To everyone. To some earlier reviewers,Gods thoughts are not evil he does everything for the good of his people.He created humans with free will cause if he don't we would all be like robots.God wanted to give us the choice to follow him.He's not going to force u to love Him u have to choose.Yes God made Satan but Satan challenged God wanting to be better than Him.Santan has the power to tempted you not control u.Santan can't make you do anything you have to choose to sin.You might want to try reading a bible concordance it helps in making the bible easer to understand.

Something to think about. While this book was filled with numerous convincing and exciting perspectives, I couldn't help but to notice that their main argument was to ask ourselves "who told us" meaning asking ourselves whether it's god or Satan talking us, and if we follow what Satan is telling us to do, we are all afraid and going to follow another path. But isn't this convincing us to be Christians with fear? An emotion that was clearly stated as not given to us from God? I don't understand that, I would like to because I believe most of the material in the book was really good, and that it helped me. If I could understand the fear perspective I would benefit a whole lot from the book.

Jesus is real!!!. You guys. Jesus died for your guys' sins. He loves everyone on Earth. He payed the ultimate sacrifice. If you doubt, think twice before you say that. I used to doubt as well, but by trusting in God and developing a relationship with him I no longer doubt. Don't read this book, it puts things in your head that make you further doubt him.

Tons of errors, but funny. This book needs a lot of editing by someone who has graduated from high school (and not a homeschool). As an atheist, this illogical attempt to explain Christianity just makes me feel sad for the uneducated dopes that wrote it. They really tried hard with the angel DNA part. I have to give them credit for two things, though. First, if you are going to believe in a magic book that has all of the answers and is the official word of a supreme being, you really shouldn't pick and choose what parts you like and what parts sound outdated and silly. These guys definitely embrace the outdated and silly parts. Good for them. Second, if you really believe this crazy stuff about spirits inside of us fighting over our brain and the only way to salvation is by going along with this particular cult, then thank you for attempting to share. At least that shows you don't want to subject the rest of us to whatever hell you believe in. Their heart might be in the right place. Unless they want us to tithe... Oh, never mind.

Horrible. I read this and this was poorly made. What a horrible way to explain stuff...

My Review. This book nails the problem right on the head! You have done a wonderful job explaining the real issue behind sin, and how to fight back to win the battle:)

Funny Piece of Fiction. This by far has to be the funniest piece of fiction I have ever read. I can't begin to explain how many problems there are in this book Douglas Adams would be proud

No. This book is crap.

Circular Reasoning. This book claims to be different, and as a non-believer I gave it a shot. It's not. After reading its very long summary of stories I already know, the conclusion was that non-believers don't believe in God because Satan has tricked them. I must now add this "different" book to the numerous ones I've read already that also rely on circular reasoning. I'm sorry Free From Bondage Ministry, but you don't understand why I don't believe in God, Jesus, or the Bible.

Waster of Time. This book is horrible. Terrible. It's good I read the sample first before I bought.

Wow. Alright first off I'm not even going to try to read this book because it sounds like a bunch of off idealistic wanna be Christians did a good job at scaring people away from the bible. I am a full believer in Christ and the bible and was just skimming through books when I came across this. So first off people don't buy this book it was obviously written by some wack jobs, and second just to encourage some of you atheists out there to explore Christianity and the bible if your a good atheist I'm sure you've probably read the bible and if not you probably need to considering that the whole point of atheism is to prove that there isn't a god and how can you disprove something you know nothing about. But anyways as I was saying go to google maps and look up Sodom and Gamora and when you do you will see that both areas are covered with sulfur ash and brimstone under that. If you don't know the story of sodom and gamora god reigned down fire and brimstone upon the two cities. Not too far from that about a hundred yards there is a giant pillar of salt which is the only salt in the area coincidence I think not.

Okay. Thank you all for your opinions.. Let me remind everyone that you are writing reviews for the BOOK. Not reviews for the christian faith. I understand that people hate christians, yes, thank you, I got the memo. But if you want to insult someone's beliefs, do it somewhere else. You are cluttering the review page with meaningless hateful junk that has nothing to do with the book itself, and I would like to read the ACTUAL REVIEWS of the book. I get it. You hate christians, you think its sad, you don't want to read the book. But some people are actually interested.

JESUS AND GOD ARE REAL. This book is retarted. Jesus and God are real. Same with the bible this book is dumb i only rate this so i can send it

Get an editor.... There must be a misspelled word or bad grammar on every 3rd or 4th page of this book. Very distracting.

Who told who.. I always believed in science and then I read this book i never really tried any religion but now I'm thinking about Christianity every where I see people who believe in Christianity but I never let others influence me but now I believe like back there when I said i don't let others influence me who told me not to let others influence me.

Noo. This book is not understandable

I don't think you get the idea. There are just a few things wrong with this: First of all, the church is about breaking down walls to let people in instead of keeping up walls to keep people out. Our mission as Christians (clearly stated in the Bible in which we must live by) are to save the lost. God weeps at the ones who don't have Him in there heart and we must respectfully save them. Don't say that it doesn't matter about saving lost and desperate souls. I've seen broken lives, don't make them lose hope. Next, you write this book as if you are trying to advertise. It doesn't matter what church you go to or what you think Jesus's hair looked like, as long as you trust in Jesus Christ. Don't speak for all Christians, even though some are hypocritical, don't say "all Christians" and make yourself look like saints. Lastly, I appreciate the way you explained Genesis, it did make more sense. But don't say the Bible isn't relevant.

Nope. I read the sample and felt dumber for it.

Arrogant Nonsense. This 3rd grade level book is nothing more than a fairy tale.

Waste of time. I actually feel dumber after reading.

Atheism is not a religion.. The excuses and outright lies religious minds need in order to justify their superstition is quite sad. Poorly written as well.

Wow.... I was trying to find a book to help me further understand Athiesm and other religions, instead I got a bad not biblically accurate description of human history? I have no idea what I just read honestly

Ridiculousness!. The book starts out saying it isn't trying to convert you to Christianity. But guess what?

Ok....not good. I know just by looking at the title that this book isn't for me. I am a strong believer of the church of Jesus Christ of later day saints. I have a very strong testimony of him and his gospel. Us Mormons believe "That the first principles and ordinances of the gospel are, first, faith in the lord Jesus Christ, second, repentance. Third, baptism by immersion for the remission of sins, and fourth, the laying on of hands, for the gift of the Holy Ghost." We also believe "in God the eternal father and in his son Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost." I KNOW that this church is true, and I also know that our Heavenly Father loves us, beyond our comprehension! I know that if you read "The Book of Mormon," you too WILL gain a testimony of him. I suggest you read this very powerful book. This makes me want to cry that people don't believe in him! All those doubts are coming from the adversary, satan! Before this time, in the premortal world, God asked us all, if someone would go to earth and take upon himself the sins of the world, and if we would all go to earth, as a test to get back to him. Jesus volunteered saying that the glory would be gods. Satan wanted people to follow his way which was, that we would have NO agency (free ability to make our own choices) and we would ALL make it back easily to Heavenly Father. But that wasn't right! What was the purpose of a test, if it wasn't hard? So then satan was banned from heaven with all who wanted to follow him into hell. He and his followers try hard to put us into unbelief of the church. He tries to make us doubt and think that the church is a dull waste of time for people. Once he gets to you, it's hard to go back and change. That is why we have a Heavenly Father who is ALWAYS ALWAYS there for us. A prophet of God told us, all bad things come from the adversary. Only good thoughts or things come from God. And I know satan will get to you if you read this book. I know some people will still never believe, but we should try to help them believe! I, without a shadow of a doubt testify of our living savior Jesus Christ and in Heavenly Father and in the Holy Ghost. I promise as you keep his commandments, you will be happier beyond compare. And that you will be a able to make it back to him instead of receiving misery and getting caught up in the vain things of the world. Instead of denying the most important thing of all. Heavenly Father and Jesus. In the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.

I know what your thinking.. I might not know be in the same situation as the people who read this book, but I'm just so glad that who ever read this did. I'm not saying that the devil tricked you into your beliefs but I'm not saying he didn't. Sometimes I have doubts about there being a God, but then I remember everything he's done for people like me and others. This poem gives a little insight on my life- When you're down to nothing God is up to something, the faithful see the invisible, believe the impossible, and receive the incredible. You might have downloaded this book to prove people like me wrong, or maybe your heart was leading you in another direction, but no matter what, I will keep all of you in my prayers- Dear God, with all my heart I pray for these people. They are thirsty for something, but maybe they don't know it. Maybe they don't want to believe it. They need you, God, in their time of darkness. Please heal their heart and make them new. Please show them all the love you have. I know you love them, and don't want them to suffer in Hell. I dont want them to either. In the great name of the ruler of all the universe and even more, I say Amen! Everyone that agrees please pray this prayer for if two or more believe in it and it's in His will it shall be done by the glory of heaven!!!! And the people of God shout, AMEN!!! I Love You...  Oh and nereydebay (however u spell ur name I agree with you in a respectful but not full out way). Please God these people really do need a real book to read!

God is real!. Many of you do not believe in God , because your spiritual eyes have not been open to see the great and mighty God that creates this earth. I am a born-again christian and have been for 16 years. He has done many wonder things in my life. To the one that said why does God put tests and trials towards his children. The reason is God wants us to trust him even through hard times and the good times. The fear of the Lord puts us where are place is which is obedience unto God. I hope you all realize this bool was made by Satan. Satan works through people by demonic forces in this world. God as wel uses people but through grace, mercy, and longsuffering. Be blessed and know Jesus is coming soon!

Who told you... FFBM is saying lucifer or Satan is putting all the bad thoughts into humans' heads. If god created lucifer, he created whatever thoughts go through his head, therefore the bad thoughts come from god himself. After all, believers say god created EVERYTHING right? Or is it the same with parents - when the child is good then it's my child, but when the child is bad it's your child. What's published as the bible is what they want you to believe. It started out as fiction but somewhere along the way someone turned it into non fiction. What sounds good may not be good at all. Religion and church was designed as a way of controlling the masses. Why else would so many church leaders and priests be committing unspeakable acts against children? Because Satan told them to? The church leaders and priests know the only consequences to their actions is what their own minds can conceive. They know there is no higher power to hold them accountable, so they do what they want, take advantage of who they want. This has nothing to do with religion or god or christ - this is human nature. ANYBODY will do whatever they want if they think they can get away with it. Instead of teaching people to fear god, they should be teaching people to fear those who say a higher power is telling me ... Because any words that start out that way is bull...t. Is Satan telling me this?

Nice try, theists.. This book actually has very good and interesting points, I questioned myself while reading this book. Great piece of literature.

God is real. Way to stand up for The Lord he is real

It was okay, lot to say. This book (or perhaps an introduction to another book) is altogether nice. There are, however, some typos & many concepts that are oversimplified throughout the text. I do not believe that this would have any persuasion towards an academic. However, to the atheist or unbeliever who doesn't know any better, this is a very useful tool. I commend Free From Bondage Ministry for writing this & speaking to the heart & the mind. What I would have done would have been to have this edited by several theologians & typists. I would also have deeply studied (if this wasn't done already) the philosophies & arguments of prominent atheists within the academic communities. I would have given several examples of Christian persecution & the corruption of Christian values like... - The murder of Hypatia of Alexandria by Christian thugs. - The numerous unbiblical papal bulls made during the Dark Ages & Counter Reformation. - The Salem Witch Trials. I would also summarize the weak points within other beliefs as well. There should also be a consistent explanation as to whether the historical content within the modern Bible is true and accessible, or false/withered away. I got through this pretty quickly, & it was more good than bad. I am glad that this book at least acknowledges that the earth is NOT thousands of years old. I give a solid 3!

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Rubbish. I was looking for a reason why they believe in that crap. All I can think of is they are gullible!

Bad. This book is quite black and white when it comes to views. Biased in a lot of places, generally a bad book.

Evidence / Reason. I guess your working on the theory that if you write it people will believe. Just like every religous text I've read, there is no evidence or reason. This is just an attempt to assert your beliefs on others. The childish manner in which you attempt to change the bible to fit with modern scientific discoveries, is just a desperate effort to cling onto a faith who's fundamental underpinnings has been proven to be as real as father christmas.

Best free book I have ever read. Short ,sweet and direct

What planet are these people on?. What can I say? Utter utter rubbish.

Wonderful. This is the best book I've ever read. God Bless

1 star. Review; For atheists and other religions? Take it that means any religion but Christianity therefore this is just a book written as a dig at Christians.

Typical Fairytale. The author really needs to research before commenting. They seem to know little or nothing about geology, tectonic plate shifting, WW2, the global mortality rate or the evolution, through natural selection, of the homo genus. The book reads like an Aboriginal tale explaining all life on Earth, in 29 pages. Luckily the real explanation is a much better read. Try reading Charles Darwin. It's also free, and wasn't written by a simpleton.

Utter rubbish. Really rubbish book

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Oh dear.... The sheer inanity of this mindless, circular drivel would be enough to confirm anyone's atheism and to inspire doubt in any of the remaining sensible thinkers that profess any form of faith that they should reconsider, if this utter nonsense is the best argument for retention of this faith.

Vile. This is an insidious attempt to make the absurd accounts in the bible palatable by saying 'hey, we don't take this literally, but you can see how it would work..' absolute trash.

Appalling drivel. I couldn't finish the first chapter. Besides it being blasphemous, I just had this mental image of some tool with his hat backwards while telling kids the "cool" version of the bible. You know, the kind of douche that would make up corny rap songs about bible stories. It's content is more Scientology than Christianity.

If only there was a no star rating. Complete rubbish from start to finish.

I don't believe in god. Dreadful. Non-sense.

?. ?

Religious drivel. Why was this in my phone

Remote but persuasive opinion!. As above.

Very interesting to read. .

Codswallop. Just take away their tax free status already

Utter and Complete nonsense!. Usual god-bothering rubbish!

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I Don't Believe In God, Jesus, or The Bible. Firstly...note that this review does not allow a 0 star rating. That is my rating - NO STARS. This writing is a waste of time. It has no purpose or direction. It has no verses quoted because it does not reflect what God's word says. The Bible proves itself and has purpose. We are "away" from God & He has provided " The Way". JOHN 3:16. God loves you.

Really bad waste of time. Wow! What a complete load of drivel. Poorly written child-like view of the myth of god. What a waste of human capital! Deserves a 0 or negative “star” rating.

Wow. Your going to hell some day

William Craig. William Craig is your standard for truth? He sacrifices the very basics of science to promote his religion (evolution). His teachings are fairy tales intended to appear enlightened to those living in darkness. True observable science has demonstrated the life cannot spring from non-life, and that nothing cannot explode. It certainly cannot explode to create everything. Science and scripture complement one another. Only perversions of either or both can delude a person into thinking there is a conflict. That which is scientifically impossible, does not become possible over time.

Not convincing in the least.. I give this book 2 stars rather than 1 only because it seems they put some sincere effort into it. However, many times it looks like they're trying too hard to sound funny and in doing so, write too colloquial and it begins to look very unprofessional. There are also many punctuation mistakes, such as periods where there should be commas etc. The first chapter sounded like a children's bedtime story or an ancient myth, nothing an unbiased adult would take seriously. If I were shown classic bible passages (creationism, Noah's Ark, Jonah and the whale.) and classic children's stories I don't think I'd be able to sort which ones people take seriously and which ones are for entertainment; this should bother you. If anyone is seriously searching for convincing arguments for Theism or specifically Christianity, I recommend William Lane Craig to you, he at least knows how to handle science and philosophical propositions.

Who told me to read this?!?!?. Summary: The devil maliciously puts bad thoughts, feelings etc. into your head and that’s why you sin - everybody. But us, of course. We know the truth of the root of it all. That’s it. Why is this drivel 72 pages? They emphasize adjectives with “soo”. 🤣

Can I rate it less than one star?. Wow, alright. If your ministry's aim is to convert people to Christianity and for them to then be saved from their sins, you should probably not tell them that they are being controlled by evil forces which make them unable to see the truth. People will read this and think you are both rude and delusional. Another thing about this "book", which is more like a disjointed paper, is that the author states ideas as facts. The author fills in the whole day where God created angels with his own thoughts. Based on nothing. The occurrences of that day, which you present as fact are listed nowhere in the Bible. Anyways, don't read this book. It's an absolute waste of time, where opinions are presented as facts and people who don't believe in Jesus aren't simply thinking for themselves, but rather are being controlled by the devil. Who you say applied for a name change from Lucifer to Satan. Geez Louise. If you're going to state all these ludicrous ideas, at least back them up with bible verses. Maybe someone will believe you then. Just a suggestion.

Awesome Book. This book is amazing , I mean who wouldn't want to believe in Jesus... He's a mis-understood extraterrestrial that's right a flesh & blood Ancient Alien who ascended into his space craft over 2000 years with the promise to return in an epic battle with other mis-understood extraterrestrial's (Satan) can't wait for that to happen.

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Summary of I Don't Believe in God, Jesus or the Bible. God's Manual on Atheism and Other Religions. by Free From Bondage Ministry

The I Don't Believe in God, Jesus or the Bible. God's Manual on Atheism and Other Religions. book written by Free From Bondage Ministry was published on 21 October 2010, Thursday in the Christianity category. A total of 377 readers of the book gave the book 3 points out of 5.

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