The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up Book Reviews

Marie Kondo

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo Book Summary

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • The book that sparked a revolution and inspired the hit Netflix series Tidying Up with Marie Kondo: the original guide to decluttering your home once and for all.

Despite constant efforts to declutter your home, do papers still accumulate like snowdrifts and clothes pile up like a tangled mess of noodles?

Japanese cleaning consultant Marie Kondo takes tidying to a whole new level, promising that if you properly simplify and organize your home once, you’ll never have to do it again. Most methods advocate a room-by-room or little-by-little approach, which doom you to pick away at your piles of stuff forever. The KonMari Method, with its revolutionary category-by-category system, leads to lasting results. In fact, none of Kondo’s clients have lapsed (and she still has a three-month waiting list). 

With detailed guidance for determining which items in your house “spark joy” (and which don’t), this international bestseller will help you clear your clutter and enjoy the unique magic of a tidy home—and the calm, motivated mindset it can inspire.

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Book Name The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up
Genre Lifestyle & Home
Language English
E-Book Size 9.78 MB

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up (Marie Kondo) Book Reviews 2024

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Worth the read. This lady is crazy, like actually nuts, but I bought into every main point she makes. My house and my life are in order and it feels JOYFUL. I am glad I read this and constantly am asking, does this spark joy?

The life changing magic of tidying up. Easy read. Clearly and simply written. Tips are so practical and the less "conventional" methods all come with very clear and practical rationale. I am an avid reader, accustomed to much more challenging books but when one is reading to "tidy" and clear ones physical and mental/emotional spaces, it is refreshing to have a book written as clearly and simply as this is written. I am implementing these tips ASAP. Thank you for spreading clarity and joy!

Very useful. Loved it

Definitely Life-Changing!. If any book I’ve read lately is truly life-changing, it is this one. It is incredibly useful for me and for my family. I am a KonMari Lifer!

The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. I couldn't get through the pages fast enough, life changing, inspirational, gave me permission to break through what I have been avoiding for months. Powerful. Moving. WOW! A must read!!!

The Life-changing magic of Tidying up!. This book has change my mindset! Grateful such a great book

Amazing. Thought I have just done the biggest decluttering of my house...until I read the changing book!!

Unnecessarily verbose. The book is too rudimentary to be considered transformational, yet lacking in the specifics (i.e. pictures of folding methods) to make it an effective how-to book. You may walk away with one or two good tips.

Must read. This book has had such a transformative effect on my life. I went from someone constantly riddled with anxiety, constantly misplacing items, forgetful etc. My head was a mess, I looked a little bit like a mess, & no surprise- my room was a mess! My closest friends are now reading it and they can brag about what effect it’s had on them as well. Can’t recommend it enough.

:). Second time reading it. Marie is so precious, and so helpful. Her method changed my view on discarded and helped me know I don’t have to live in clutter. And it’s easier than I think!

I got the book how do I get the audio version? Do I have to purchase again?. I got the book how do I get the audio version? Do I have to purchase again?

Honestly Life Changing. I’m still a young man with a lot to learn and something has drawn to read book despite the fact that I haven’t read I’m almost 4 years. It has changed me and made me appreciate more of my thing, this “KonMari” method has changed the way I look at things everyday and pushes me to change my life. Thank you Mrs. Mary Kondo

The life changing magic of tidying up. Very inspirational book and a must read for those wanting to “eliminate the clutter and stream-line their life. It’s a very well-written book which provided me with the motivation to get started. I’ve let my possessions control me for way too long and now can’t wait to start letting go and conquering the massive mounds of clutter I thought I couldn’t live without. Thanks for making it seem so simple. I’m now ready to let go and make the changes I need to live my best life!

Life-Changing. This book changed my entire life. You absolutely must read it! You TRULY probably don’t know how much you’re missing out on/ getting stressed about nothing until you read this. LOVE LOVE LOVE

For someone who thinks they cannot.... This book has helped me understand that you donate things, throw away things & tidy up without the feelings of guilt or anxiety. I can honestly tell you hated cleaning and organizing things. It gave me the worst anxiety & I never felt as if I was doing enough. Something always had to be left until tomorrow. I realized I would clean all day long & still get nothing done. In 3 days into following her structure I have simplified & tidied almost the downstairs of my home. Like other reviews I read said, be prepared to rid your home of many things. Once you get through your first day, you will be ready for the following days ahead. Good luck to you. You got this. Oh, I also recommend YouTubing Konmari way of folding, she explains in the book how to but I'm more visual and I know other are probably the same.

Unique View, Definitely More Extremist. Listen, I’m not going to sit here and say this is for a typical person looking some quick tips. Now, that being said, anything in this book could be taken with a grain of salt and modified for someone looking for an extra push. I am someone who is looking for a bigger push towards minimalism and this book had some really great suggestions. Like some other reviews, I also wish there was more focus on how to work with others if they aren’t quite on board with this view. This is lightly touched upon, but would be nice to be seen as a common theme in the book. There are some views that may be more out there such as treating clothes or the home at personal, but hey, that is what was working for the author, and I definitely see the merit. At points, I felt the book repeated over and over and over, which, I get. It is a book on tidying. It was a lot though. Main take aways -Declutter first, by category not by room -Save personal items for last -Go through items one at a time, saving only items that bring joy -Only when things are decluttered completely, find a place for remaining items and know that then they shouldn’t need to find a new space -Purchasing storage is not really a solution All in all, I learned a lot and there were great ideas for cleaning and folding that I also look forward to putting into practice to make sure my home stays and enjoyable place to live!

Read this book!. Do yourself a favor and just read this book. If you have any desire to declutter or organize your home, this book is essential reading material. Between this and her second book Spark Joy, I have finally been able to put my house in order and could not be happier!!

Just the motivation I needed!. I can't help but feel like this book fell right into my lap exactly when I needed it most. I can't wait to wake up and put these practices into action tomorrow morning! Maria makes it very clear on how to best tackle such a big job of tidying, with practical tools anyone can implement to simplify their space, which in turn simplifies the mind and soul. Definitely a book I plan to recommend to friends!

Loved thus. If it doesn’t spark joy in my life, it’s not worth keeping around.

Skeptical....but. Over the Thanksgiving holiday, my mother was telling me about a book she read for book club. Basically, she thought it was the worst book club book ever, and a waste of her time. We read the negative reviews and chuckled, so I decided to read the book and see what it was all about. I read the book in one day and was immediately inspired to clean out my 3 closets of clothes. Some of the things she suggest, like cleaning out your purse everyday and talking to your belongings, seem a little strange; however, I must say that the process did let me get rid of things I have held onto for years. If only I had the energy to apply this to my entire house. It took me 5 hours to complete the clothing purge and my back is killing me. In conclusion, I got rid of a bunch of crap and am inspired to continue.

Do I like thing? Smile. No like thing, look we did a minimalism. Have you ever looked at every knick knack that has a deep dark corner in your self preserving brain and then ask an idiotic, barely beneath skin deep question: Make smile or not make smile? Good job, your read this trash heap of a book. Get rid of things that give you the frown frown and keep the things that make you think of exposing your mouth stones. Read it if you are going to die soon anyway -M Booby Mikey (nah JK) Michael

Helpful tips, too much filler and repitition. I think that this book could have been summed up in a single, bulleted blog post. I did find a lot of the tips to be very helpful, but everything in between was just filler that seemed to keep repeating itself so by the time I got about half way, I just started skimming the rest. I also was disturbed by the fact that she brags about throwing away bags and bags of trash, but offers no direct alternatives to throwing things out (ie- changing shopping habits or donating items) and it all seems so wasteful to me.

Really enjoyed it. Wasn't well organized in my opinion but I'm sure it works how she intends to... Unorthodox at times but highly effective. Thank you for this book and sharing your personal story.

Very Interesting. The concepts discussed in this book are interesting. I don’t know if I would say I look at inanimate objects and feel joy, but the message of the book is on point. The folding methods and storage ideas are awesome. I, as a single male, have found this a great read!

Inspired. This came to me as a recommendation. Though, I was anxious to start, this book gave practical advice. I found as soon as I had a question about the process, if I just kept reading a few more lines, I found my answers. I have already started to see the improvements in my life. Thank you Marie!

I feel good after reading this. I love her voice, like a kind Aunt who is gently giving you the advice you needed to hear

Interesting book. As a military wife we have moved all over the world. In the past nine years alone we have moved 7 times. If each house got to tell me what to keep I wouldn't have anything for our home when we retire. Further, I am not really interested in that kind of magic. That being said asking ones self if something brings joy is a wonderful way of getting rid of the belongings that are just taking up space. I have been working thru my belongings donating or selling what no longer works for me. It is indeed gratifying, both spatially and mentally.

Brilliant book. I joyed this book, having taken the ideas from this book have given me joy in the simple act of folding my laundry. Everything has its place and live is good.

Life Changing. Beautiful way to organize your life.

Horrible book. Horrible book

Very useful. This really helped me deal with a lot of my clutter. After reading, I immediately started implementing this into my life and donating at least 50% of the crap I never use. It has really aided in relieving a lot of my stress. I would recommend to anyone looking for tidying solutions in their life.

Good, but gets quirky at the end. The book is an easy read with lots of practical advice for those that want more order in the home. As a westerner, I can say the end gets a bit wonky. She talks about greeting your house, your clothes having destiny, and thanking your possessions for working hard for you...that's a bit much. I also don't think it fully gives perspective on life with children and spouses. Time will tell if the "one fell swoop" method works.

A must read.. Yes, yes, and yes.

Life changing. I literally started picking up things...small items like lipsticks, all the way up to large items, like chairs and chucking them. Daily trips to goodwill are normal now and I've never been happier! Less is so much MORE!

Lots of filler. Have you ever read those web ads that promise the secret to some such thing — weight loss, self-defense, secret to charisma in dating and business — only to read long-winded success stories that hide the technique for page after page until you get to the point where you have to make a purchase in order to reveal the secrets? Reading this book is kind of like that, except you already paid for it. The pages are filled with stories that kinda-sorta illustrate some substantial points, but then you get to the points that last maybe a sentence or two and are printed in bold-face. These are very useful but you can get to them by reading the chapter or section headings and then reading the bold-faced principles, skipping through tons of filler stories. Basically, the first step is to toss out all your unused, never-to-be used items, in a particular easy-to-hard order, and do it all at once rather than in short bouts spread over months. Your resulting collection of possessions will be much reduced,which will then simplify your organization. There are other useful points like folding and arranging your clothes, and so on, but they’re easily absorbed while skimming or skipping the stories entirely.

Aptly named. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up is truly what is proclaims to be. Magic. As a father of 4 kids all under the age of 6, I thought I would never have the time or energy to get my house in order. I have just begun my journey to simplicity with the help of this book and I can already attest to the incredible effect it has had on my wellbeing. There are those that will detract from the contents and claim that this is all just hype. All I can say is, unless you've tried the KonMari method, you have no idea and aren't qualified to speak against it. Do yourself a favor: if you really want to disprove the claims she makes in her book, try it. Earnestly, follow all of the steps she lays out and then criticize. If you haven't done exactly what she says, you haven't followed her method at all. Great advice, great humor, great book!

Life-Changing Magic of tidying Up. Once I started this book, I had to finish it! it took me just 2 days..not reading all the time , of course. I am one who lives in a small place, has many items that have been “saved” for years. I think with this method, I will be able to make clear decisions about each thing. I have been called “packrat” many times throughout my life, but thie instructions in this little book may help me leave THAT behind!

Her Point Is Well-Taken. I didn’t necessarily agree with everything she said, but I am really glad I read this book and her recipe for cleaning. It is easy to read and worth passing along. May all of your belongings spark joy and hold meaning.

Too long. Had some great tips and insights, but it could’ve been like a third of its length. Like a great article fluffed up too much.

The life changing magic of tidying up. I just finished this book and it has definitely given me inspiration. I'm looking at things from a different perspective. I've never greeted my house or thanked my belongings but I will from now on. In between reading I've managed to clear to xtra large garbage bags of clothes out of my dresser. Look out closet and night stands here I come.

Great Read. I love all the tips and rules this book gives! Such a great read I couldn't even put the book down! I read the whole thing and immediately started to tidy up (which is totally working!!) only thing I wish was that the examples, like specific folding of clothes - had photographed directions (or at least how the end product should work).

Reminders from a forgotten era. It’s really life changing to get back to what our great grandparents knew. Taking care of each item you own, having a designated place for each item that’s easy to see and use and put back. Respecting the items while you need them and passing them on to others that need them when you don’t. It’s a mindset that clears the way for great character.

Quality read. With insight and understanding of the psychological changes one experiences through the act of tidying Marie so eloquently sells the idea of everything in ones home to have its own home. Interesting concept with real world application I used immediately after reading.

Simple Minded. Let me sum up the whole book for you: Have less crap. Seriously. It's that simple. I thought this book would be a fun take on making a space more zen, perhaps some feng shui... Nope. It's literally a lesson in de-cluttering your space. Because apparently 3 million people don't know how to minimize their junk.

Terrible narrator. Wanted to get this audiobook to listen to as I tidied, but the narrator is terrible—sounds like a computer, monotone and expressionless. I wish Marie Kondo would’ve chosen someone sweet and endearing to bring her words to life. Sad.

The light finally went off in my head. I love this book so much! I actually got the audio book so that I could listen to it anywhere which I found to be very helpful. The idea that we should only surround ourselves with things that truly spark joy is so simple and so profound. Why do we feel the need to contantly buy things and live in clutter? A messy space is a messy mind. I listened to this 3 times to really let it all sink in before I started my “tidying.” I was able to donate 30 bags to goodwill and throw away about 15 more large trash bags full of stuff that I don’t know why I held onto. It’s been the best thing to happen to my home and my mindset. It feels incredible. Thank you Marie Kondo!

Must read for those who are desperate to get organized. This book changes the way you look at your home and makes you see your possessions in a new light!

the life changing magic of tidying up. don’t buy this. if you live in an average size house in the US this advice is ridiculous. If you are not a HOARDER, then figure it out for yourself and don’t waste your money on this book. And, if you are a hoarder, you will seriously not listen to her advice. She will drive you off the edge!

KonMarie method transformed my lifestyle!. This book transforms not only my life, but also my lifestyle! I had been procrastinating de-cluttering & tidying up our kitchen & dining on our farm for years! In the past ten years, I had tried many ways of de-cluttering & tidying up but the space never lit up with an everlasting joy & beauty. It inevitably returned into disorder, excess, and clutter. Marie Kondo was like the fairy God mother appearing in Cinderella’s life on the night of the Royal Ball! 57 days of inspired clean-up has happened through me. The kitchen/dining turns out to be only a tiny part of it! Our farm is transformed & so am I. I am grateful for the countless lessons I have learnt from reading this book. I had lost track of time. It is as if I claimed the summit, hoisted the flag in joy, and only during the descend did I count the days that had passed me by! I highly recommend that you read this book. It has transformed the chaos in my life into beauty, joy & orderliness. With a heart full of gratitude to Marie Kondo & wishing each one of you much joy and love! Ashwini (🇮🇳From India)

A lovely book. Insightful. Wacky and joyful. A good read. We shall see how it helps me reduce the clutter in my life...

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Changed my life. I was fortunate to have found this book 6 months before my baby’s due date. I made it a project to complete “konmari’ng” our whole house before my baby arrives. And now, I have a newborn and the whole house is always so tidy! I can concentrate on taking care of my baby and spend all my time with her without stressing about the house (the house is always tidy!), My husband loves it as he only has to clean the everyday daily cleaning of dishes etc. Everything else is in place and we only have things we love and really need at home. I hope she has another book that goes through baby’s toys etc as I will be needing that soon!

Excellent book. I feel ready to finally tackle my house and all my possessions. Thank you for publishing this book so I could read it and gain the confidence to get rid of all the "stuff" that I don't need.

A very good read. I recently did a huge declutter of my closet and room, and I agree when she says that life starts after you clean. Although I cleaned my room before reading this book, it helped me truly understand what I was experiencing. I always thought that my life was in chaos if my room was a mess and I think it can be true. there’s nothing better then walking into a room well organized with only the things you need. Trying to become a modern minimalist, for myself and the environment.

Thumbs up!. It was a great, quick read and also very thorough. Is it life-changing? I think if you apply yourself to her teachings and methods, something will spark.

Thank you for this book. Quick read with a wealth of information.

Easy read. As someone who loves to read about organizing and cleaning I have to say this is the first book I have ever read cover to cover on the subject. It is so easy to read and understand. I feel encouraged to start my 'tidy' journey

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Summary of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo

The The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up book written by Marie Kondo was published on 14 October 2014, Tuesday in the Lifestyle & Home category. A total of 3,103 readers of the book gave the book 4.5 points out of 5.

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