Reseña de The Best of Pointless Conversations

Scott Tierney

The Best of Pointless Conversations de Scott Tierney Resumen del Libro

Pointless Conversations: The Best of Issues 1-6 Packed with cartoon laughs, stupid ideas and the utterly ridiculous, this compilation of extracts from the first six issues features the best of Pointless Conversations, as well as some fresh material. The hand-picked topics discussed by the two loveable idiots involve: Is Superman a cowardly alien? (taken from Superheroes) Is Back to the Future's Doc Brown a time travelling psychopath? (taken from Doctor Emmet Brown) What is an ionising bulb, and does it actually harness the power of “awesomeness”? (taken from Lightbulbs and Civilisation) The “evil” Maid Marion, and is a fish in the neck, funny? (taken from The Expendables) Is it really dangerous for pregnant women to sit down? (taken from The Fifth Element) Is using the toilet on Star Trek's Holodeck, bad for your health? (taken from The Big One)

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Nombre del libro The Best of Pointless Conversations
Género Humor
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 15.84 MB

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Descarga de The Best of Pointless Conversations E-Book

El libro The Best of Pointless Conversations escrito por Scott Tierney se publicó el martes, 20 de diciembre de 2011 en la categoría Humor. Un total de 46 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico the best of pointless conversations (15.84 MB)

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