Reseña de English As She Is Spoke

Pedro Carolino & Jose da Fonseca

English As She Is Spoke de Pedro Carolino & Jose da Fonseca Resumen del Libro

“If you like, I will hot it”
April is the cruelest month, they say, and yet, we find it to be the funniest too. For what other month starts with the Fool’s Day and keeps getting warmer and warmer as we laugh winter away? To celebrate this, we decided to publish today the perfect companion for jesters and hoaxers. In truth we say that foolishness has never looked more fashionable than after reading “English as She Is Spoke”, the famous 19th century Portuguese-English phrasebook that Mark Twain once simply dismissed by saying: “IT IS PERFECT.” (“Nobody can add to the absurdity of this book, nobody can imitate it successfully, nobody can hope to produce its fellow,” he carried on.)
Listen to the master, as he knew a thing or two about jokes and how to have fun with language and words.
This fabulous language tool is divided into logical and useful chapters, varying from “Defects of the Body,” “Woman Objects,” and “Diseases” to “Parties a town,” “Eatings,” ”Chastisements,” including “Familiar Phrases” such as “Are you altered?” “Dress your hairs” or “Put your confidence at my”. If these didn’t make you smile already, you will surely succumb to the hilarious charm of the chapters entitled “Familiar Letters” or…“Idiotisms and Proverbs.”
Here’s a sample of its humor—can it to deny it if you dare!
“Do you study?
Yes, sir, I attempts to translate of french by portuguese.
Do you know already the principal grammars rules?
I am appleed my self at to learn its by heart.
Do speak french alwais?
Some times: though I flay it yet.
You jest, you does express you self very well.”
Fool’s Day, you come too rare!!!

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Nombre del libro English As She Is Spoke
Género Humor
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 273.45 KB

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Descarga de English As She Is Spoke E-Book

El libro English As She Is Spoke escrito por Pedro Carolino & Jose da Fonseca se publicó el martes, 2 de abril de 2013 en la categoría Humor. Un total de 72 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico english as she is spoke (273.45 KB)

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