Not Afraid of Life Book Reviews

Bristol Palin & Nancy French

Not Afraid of Life by Bristol Palin & Nancy French Book Summary

When her mother, Sarah Palin, became the Republican Vice-Presidential candidate in 2008, Bristol Palin was instantly propelled into the national spotlight, becoming the focus of intense public and national media scrutiny at the age of seventeen. In Not Afraid of Life, she shares with readers for the first time ever personal moments from her life—from her Alaskan roots to her pregnancy and single motherhood to her star turn on TV’s enormously popular Dancing with the Stars. This candid memoir is a heartfelt true story of a woman who is centered by her strong Christian faith and is Not Afraid of Life.

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Book Name Not Afraid of Life
Genre Biographies & Memoirs
Language English
E-Book Size 5.58 MB

Not Afraid of Life (Bristol Palin & Nancy French) Book Reviews 2024

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Awesome. Thank you Bristol for sharing your life's wonderful blessings and your hard times. I admire your strength, dedication and love for your family, and your trust in God.....not only "reciting scriptures" but actually " living" them. You are an inspiration to all of us. In reading your book I came to realize many aspects of my life I need to change. I hope I have the strength and courage you did! You are an amazing young woman with a precious little boy! I wish you all of life's best offerings! By the way.....I was rooting for you and Mark on DWTS!! I thought you looked amazing and you danced beautifully!!

Thank you Bristol : ). I loved every page in this book! Thank you for opening up your life and giving us a true account of what it's like to be in the public eye, even when you haven't asked for it. Your story is encouraging and brought to life that even when your presented with an obstacle, turning to God and family can help get you through anything.

Not Afraid of Life. While I have not yet read this book, I am sorry to see such ignorance and distain for other people. Let's be honest people, all of the negative reviews were written by people who: A: know nothing about Bristol Palin and don't care to because of her mother. (whom they also don't know as a person or a politician) B: probably don't read to much to begin with. C: don't want anyone to achieve anything they could never possibly achieve. D: are just plain negative. Good luck to you in the future.

dont hate!. Bristol pailin hasn't had the easiest life. alot of people have put her down and I admire her for not listening to them and standing up for herself and now writing her own book!! WAY TO GO BRISTOL!!!! I plan on reading this book ASAP. and umm ust because you dont like sarah pailin or her family dont rate the book poorly if you haven't even read it. thank you and God Bless

????. How can this book have such a bad review if it's not even out yet? Liberal hacks must be at it again. :(

Why ???????. Why do these people even bother to write a book? Her achievements in life so far? - nothing. Her college degree - still to get one. Pray tell me what will anyone get by reading her book? - nothing, well may be fill palin's treasure chest. Could there be a better use of the money by spending it elsewhere? As some fool so many times said - you betcha.

Always two sides to a story!. This was a excellent book, i couldn't put down. The media and the world should apologize to the entire Palin family! Bristol is a strong women. How could she be anything but strong with the love and support she has! Good luck to you and your beautiful baby boy!

Awesome book!!!!. I really enjoyed this book. Bristol Palin is a good mother to her child. If you haven't yet read the book then i would suggest reading it. VERY GOOD!!!

Awful. I read the preview. There is nothing important offered here. There is no unique insight into truth, she offers no thought-provoking perspectives on reality, a nine year old could write better (as if Bristol really wrote the whole thing), the book is not humorous or entertaining, and it doesn't reflect any mature understanding of life, ethics, responsibility, or relationships. This memoir is like a tweet or a facebook status update- arrogant, pointless, and stupid. Just like this girl's pathetic existence.

I am not a book reader, but I couldn't put this one down.. I do not buy books. Or if I do, I read a couple chapters before being left on my nightstand never to be picked up again. But being a new iPhone user, I stumbled across bristol's new book at my first look at the iBook bookstore. I downloaded the sample out of curiosity of what an iBook would be like. I read the sample and was hooked. Bristol completely captured my attention and I had to download the book. I found myself reading it on my lunch break at work, staying up late to read, when the kids were napping, just any free moment. (Yes, I was already a Palin fan, and would vote Sarah for president in a heartbeat.). But other than seeing Bristol on DWTS, I hadn't really followed all of the media meddling into her life. I like what Bristol says in her book about owning up to her mistakes. We live in a world where everyone wants to point a finger at someone else (that started wayyyy back in the garden of Eden), she made a mistake, she learned from it, and she wants to help someone else from making the same mistake. I think it's admirable. Bristol, I enjoyed your book, I pray that ure story reaches many, but if it only changes history for one young lady, then this book was all worth it. ( ok, now to download Sarah Palin's books, lol)

BRISTOL!!!!. You go girl! She has a great head on her shoulders and I highly respect her because of everything she's done. She's strong, beautiful and smart. This girl will let no one get in her way and knows how to roll with the punches. You got supporters Bristol! You're awesome. :)

Not that great of a book.. I went into this book wanting to know her side of everything that has happened but only ended up reading a young girls rambling. I'm not saying this because I don't Like her or her mother but because this book is nothing but a public version on of her Diary. I'm sorry all this stuff happened to you Bristol but you did have a choice whether you wanted to displayed in the public eye or not. Maybe now that you've grown and matured some you'll think before you act and respond and not let others control your life especially Now that you have a child.

Awesome book. A must read. Best book I've read in a really long time :)

Save your money, get it from the library. I'll admit up front that I am quite possibly the farthest thing from a Palin supporter. That being said, I was actually interested in reading this book. I didn't really know anything about Bristol and I have always felt bad about the way the media and her mother's campaign treated her, parading her around as though she were a prop that they could manipulate. So I was interested in hearing her side of the story. I wanted to get a sense of her as a person and see how she dealt with all of the hoopla surrounding her mother. I believe that I went in to this book with an open mind. I wanted to like her, I wanted to relate to her, I wanted to root for her but after reading this book, I really don't care about her at all. I don't hate her but if I had a daughter I would definitely NOT want my kid to think of Bristol as a role model. I honestly thought that in this book Bristol would take some responsibility for her actions and show some self-inflection and personal growth. It turns out that it was everyone else's fault but hers. According to her she was completely blameless. She even admitted to not feeling bad at all for lying to her mother and running off to go party in the woods with her sleazy boyfriend. But at least she kept the baby because that is all that matters apparently. Or at least that is what I gleaned from this book. The book as whole is not bad. The prose is average and the co-author clearly tried to write the book in a style that reflects one a 20 year old would use (more Meg Cabot than Proust.) It was an easy and quick read so this would probably make good beach or pool side material. Not really substantial in any way but at least I learned how desperately our schools need sex ed classes.

Great read!. I just finished Bristol's book and it was a refreshing memoir. It seems pretty obvious those giving the book low ratings did not bother to read it and others missed the point. She made a lot of mistakes and admitted them freely. She is sharing her story in hopes it with inspire other young women not to make the same mistakes she did in staying in a dysfunctional relationship for so long. I also love how she overcame the situation she was in by taking full advantage of opportunities that came her way. Why not? I found Bristol's book inspiring and full of hope.

Who Cares. She is an over glorified teenage Mom.... If she could do it all over again, i'm sure she would do it again. When did our culture become such that we glorify unwed teenage moms !!!

Good idea!. I haven't read this book and I probably will not. Contemporary biographies are not my thing. Nevertheless, I commend Bristol Palin for writing this book in the face of such hate-filled, anti-freedom liberalism. She saw an opportunity and she took it. Bravo! Now, to all you liberals writing hateful reviews of a book you haven't even read: grow up! It's a free country (despite Obama's best efforts) and if she wants to write a book at the age of 21 she has that God-given right. How many books have you losers written? Last time I checked this is America and we can do whatever we want within the confines of the law so get over it. Oh yeah, I forgot, you guys hate success... My bad. Instead of hating on a person you've never met while your living in your mom's basement why don't you go out and make something of yourself. Better yet, you could do like the commies over at pmsnbc and get a show that no one watches and complain about it there.

Not Afraid of Life. Read this book out of curiosity. Once i started couldnt stop. I felt like i could hear Bristols voice telling the story. Best of luck to you and Trigg, and i wont be purchasing Levi's book because i wont let him profit off you or Trigg anymore.

Not Afraid Of Life. Who would spend even $1.99 to read this trash? Who cares what this 20 something has to say? Do not humor her. Let her take care of her baby and try and grow up.. She's trying to be a "chip off the old block" and who cares about the "old block"

Quick, interesting read. Very interesting reading about Bristol from her point of view. After all the negative media attention towards her, its nice to hear her side of the story.

Refreshing. Wow! I didn't expect to enjoy this book as much as I did. I followed Bristol's journey on DWTS and wanted to see what she had to say about her experience. I was rooting for her and Mark because of how kind, caring and protective he was to her and it was refreshing to see someone treat a Palin in public that way. Maybe she should date guys who wear silly bands (ie: Mark) and forget about the "rugged guys" :) Her journey on and off that show is truly inspiring! I can't wait to see what God has planned for her and her family!

Thank You Bristol. Thank You Bristol Very Much!!! May God Bless You More than You Can Imagine!!!!

On "Not Afraid of Life". I couldn't put this book down! Finally the truth is told in every sense of the word! For someone her age to be able to put a story down so real and truthfully is amazing! I will recommend this book to everyone!

Patiently waiting. The media and the liberal left hatemob gave this girl a platform, now she is rightfully using what was given to her. People listened to her ridiculous ex when he spent time with not-funny-Kathy. I am truly excited to read this book. As far as criticizing her for not having a degree yet, perhaps that will be something younger women can read and realize that babies aren't just sweet and cuddly playthings given to them to make them feel better about about themselves and designed to keep them with the "boy they love" forever and ever. Keep it up Bristol, go use that platform and all of the attention they give you that you never asked for. And PS...let's talk about the billion dollars the democrats plan on spending to try to get the current president re-elected. Can we spend that in better places. I love the selective memory of progressives.

Honest, but very boring ramblings. None of the information this book gave me seemed relevant or necessary. Some parts were really interesting while others I thought, "she must have nothing else to write about.", however learning Bristol's side of things was very eye opening. I really hate Levi Johnston after reading this. I can see this book relating to many young girls, especially here in Alaska, her story is very familiar.

Not Afraid of Life?. Fitting title since the author has, what, lived all of twenty years? Take it for what it's worth, a few years ago the most important thing in this girls world was the prom and updating Facebook or MySpace. Now it changing diapers and trying to stay in the public eye. Who's reading this book?

5 STAR. Thanks for writing this book. As a retired middle school counselor, I hope many young girls will read your book while they are still in control of their choices.

Simply amazing.. This book is one of the most amazing books I have read. It touched my heart the way she talks about family and even made me cry. The book made me feel as though I were talking to a friend. Just beautiful.

Gota love pro-death libtards.. Who rate a book badly, that isn't even out yet.

Excellent.. I don't know how much of the tone of the book is the co-writer, but I really enjoyed the message, tone and no-B.S. view this book gives. Ms. Palin could have easily come out with the typical "Here's my 15-minutes of fame" book, detailing her life during the last years as a pity party. But no, this book serves an actual purpose (stated in the title). Thank you, Bristol, for an excellent read.

Wow :). This book really spoke to me, I am a teenager now. Thanks to Bristol and her wise words I know now to just wait for the right time for sex. I laughed and cried threw this book! I love it!!!:)

A Revealing, Honest and Emotional Tale. I can think of no author to which I have felt so happy to give a royalty to. The book is an excellent read that is difficult to put down. I think many people will find pieces of themselves in the life of Bristol. She shares the mistakes and pain of her life in an unvarnished account of a young woman who is suddenly catapulted into a malicious storm of liberal politics. However, along the way she talks about the mistakes she has made in her life and the pain of a young woman desperately trying to change a man that she can not change. When Bristol was thrust upon the national stage, I was appalled. Not that people objected to her mother's politics but that people could be so violently malevolent towards a 17 year old girl. I have always felt protective of Bristol as if she was my own daughter and I cant imagine what could make people be so nasty to young teens and children. The liberals especially seemed to shed everything they supposedly valued in women's equality, fairness and common decency for the sake of politics. It made me utterly sick. I was eager to learn the experiences of the children so malevolently assaulted in that manner and hoped to hear a good outcome from the story. Although Bristol has much of her life ahead of her I can now feel good about her future and not the dread I feared before. Tripp, make sure you take care of your mom. She will need you. Bristol, I don't have to tell you what to do as you already know. Be assured that you can do anything you choose in life. Choose well. -- Robert Eugene Simmons Jr. -- Writer for American Thinker, Senior Software Engineer and most importantly father of 3.

Simply amazing!. Wow to know how much she has gone thru and dealt with and she still keeps her head held high! And tried so hard to be a single teenage mother and do so good! Way to go!!! I'm sure she has made her family proud!!!

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Summary of Not Afraid of Life by Bristol Palin & Nancy French

The Not Afraid of Life book written by Bristol Palin & Nancy French was published on 21 June 2011, Tuesday in the Biographies & Memoirs category. A total of 499 readers of the book gave the book 4 points out of 5.

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