Reseña de Clean Eating Alice Spring Clean

Alice Liveing

Clean Eating Alice Spring Clean de Alice Liveing Resumen del Libro

Instagram sensation Clean Eating Alice shares 8 new recipes and a HIIT workout in this new e-book to help you get into shape for Spring. Full of sound advice that will appeal to her legions of fans.

Spring is a great time to make some simple changes to your lifestyle – start with some easy swaps at mealtimes by trying out some of the recipes in this e-book. The lighter evenings are an excellent time to step up your exercise routine and get outside for some fresh air and activity.
Easter is a time of celebration that often involves family and food and lots of chocolate Easter eggs.It isn’t a time of year typically associated with clean eating and restraint. But it doesn’t have to be like that! In this book, I give you some simple ideas to change your diet for the better and there are even some treats so you don’t feel you are missing out on all the Easter fun..
This e book gives you:
8 simple, healthy recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.
it shows you that eating clean means that you can still enjoy family favourites – such as pancakes and roast dinners with a twist.
A bespoke HIIT workout, that requires no equipment at all, and can be done at home, to help you feel healthier, fitter and more energized.
So what’s stopping you? Refuel yourself with delicious nutritious food and embrace the clean eating way of life – you’ll never have felt so good.

About the author

Alice is a pint sized personal trainer with a passion for health and fitness. Having spent the majority of her formative years developing unhealthy habits through trying every diet there was, and gaining weight as a result, she decided to take matters into her own hands. Alice tracked her complete lifestyle change progress through her now hugely successful Instagram blog ‘Clean Eating Alice’.

Now a fully qualified personal trainer, Alice wants to bring her message of balance and ditching the diet myths to the masses. The aim is to encourage everyone and anyone to readdress their eating habits and increase their activity levels to create a healthier, happier lifestyle that is ultimately sustainable.

Find Alice posting regular updates of her day to day food and fitness videos on Instagram at clean_eating_alice, on twitter at alice_LDNM and on Facebook at /cleaneatingalice, where she creates a fuss and fad free approach to diet and exercise.

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Nombre del libro Clean Eating Alice Spring Clean
Género Cocina, gastronomía y vinos
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 42.29 MB

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Descarga de Clean Eating Alice Spring Clean E-Book

El libro Clean Eating Alice Spring Clean escrito por Alice Liveing se publicó el jueves, 24 de marzo de 2016 en la categoría Cocina, gastronomía y vinos. Un total de 22 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico clean eating alice spring clean (42.29 MB)

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