Reseña de Charting Your Way to Conception


Charting Your Way to Conception de Resumen del Libro

Charting Your Way to Conception is a step by step guide on using fertility charting to improve your conception chances. The book is based on experience as one of the oldest and most experienced fertility charting service available today. We have helped millions of women over the years and you can benefit from this experience too.

Charting Your Way to Conception will teach you how to identify your fertility signs, find out when you are fertile, see if and when you ovulate, and how to use your fertility signs to maximize your chances of conception. It clearly explains the basics of fertility charting to achieve pregnancy, the relationship between your hormones and your fertility signs, how to observe and record primary and secondary fertility signs and how to interpret your fertility chart.

The current version has been expanded to include more frequently asked questions about fertility charting for conception and includes over 80 “real life” chart illustrations.

From members of
“I learned by charting that even though my cycles were very unpredictable, I could pinpoint when I was about to ovulate. It also showed that my luteal phase was too short which the doctor corrected...”

“I had no idea I wasn't ovulating and when I started seeing that my temps weren't following a pattern, I broached the subject with my gynecologist, who then did an ultrasound and found that I had PCOS. If it weren't for charting it would have taken me a long time to realize there was a serious problem.”

“Knowing when I ovulate has been eye-opening for me. I feel much more in control of the trying to conceive process with this information.” “I love charting! I feel like I am actually doing something to help us get pregnant when so much of it is out of my control. I have learned so much about how my body works and what is going on with me from charting.”

"WOW, this experience charting my fertility signs has helped me in so many ways. Not only am I more aware of what my body is telling me, but I have a sense of control over an uncertain time…”

“Charting taught me a tremendous amount about me and my body and how it works. It gave me hope when I needed it and it helped me communicate in a much more detailed way with my doctor.”

“I love knowing what my body is doing and why, and it made me much more confident and knowledgeable when talking with my OB.”

“Charting gave me such an insight into my cycle - before I was just flying blind. Without charting I don't think that I would be 6 months pregnant now.”

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Tamaño del e-libro 6.43 MB

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El libro Charting Your Way to Conception escrito por se publicó el miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2012 en la categoría Salud, mente y cuerpo. Un total de 66 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico charting your way to conception (6.43 MB)

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