Reseña de The Perfection Trap

Thomas Curran

The Perfection Trap de Thomas Curran Resumen del Libro

'Thomas Curran is the world's leading expert on perfectionism, and he's written the definitive book on why it's rising, how it wreaks havoc on our lives, and what we can do to stop it. If you've ever found yourself fearing failure, ruminating about mistakes, or just feeling that you aren't good enough, this is a must read' Adam Grant

'A fascinating and panoramic analysis of perfectionism in modern capitalist societies' Grace Blakeley

Today, burnout and depression are at record levels, driven by a combination of intense workplace competition, the comparative world of social media, the quest for elite credentials, and helicopter parenting. Society continually broadcasts the need to want more, and that we have to be perfect to get it. Why is this a trap, and how can we escape it?

Gathering a wide range of contemporary evidence, acclaimed professor at the London School of Economics Thomas Curran calls for both a mindset shift and broader, societal change. He explores the paradoxical effects of perfectionism on everything from performance to social and financial inequality, and shows what we can do as individuals to resist the modern-day pressure to be perfect - and how we can create a culture that celebrates the joys of imperfection.

If you've ever felt overwhelmed by the soul-crushing need to compete for more or to be the best, The Perfection Trap is for you. Learn to prioritise what's important, meet the world where it is and strive for purpose instead of more by embracing the power of 'good enough' in your life.

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Nombre del libro The Perfection Trap
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Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 2.44 MB

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Descarga de The Perfection Trap E-Book

El libro The Perfection Trap escrito por Thomas Curran se publicó el jueves, 1 de junio de 2023 en la categoría Psicología. Un total de 144 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico the perfection trap (2.44 MB)

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