Reseña de 45 Vegetarian Recipes from the Middle East

M. A. Kishek

45 Vegetarian Recipes from the Middle East de M. A. Kishek Resumen del Libro

This ebook features some of the most delicious vegetarian dishes well known and highly regarded throughout the Middle East. Step by step instructions are illustrated with brilliant colour photos of dishes prepared following these recipes. The great taste and exquisite flavour of the dishes in this ebook will be appreciated by vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike.

Traditional dishes include vegetarian style stuffed vegetables such as eggplant, grape and lettuce leaves, vegan moussaka, split lentils with pasta and whole lentils pilaf, green long beans or black-eyed beans in spicy tomato sauces, mixed vegetables casseroles, okra with tomatoes, and moulukhiya with fava beans.

Every recipe has clear easy to follow instructions, tips, and serving suggestions; and is illustrated with brilliant coloured photos of dishes prepared following these instructions. This ebook is further equipped with a glossary of terms for non-English names of ingredients and for the traditional name or names of the different dishes and their English equivalent.

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Nombre del libro 45 Vegetarian Recipes from the Middle East
Género Dietas especiales
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 95.05 MB

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Descarga de 45 Vegetarian Recipes from the Middle East E-Book

El libro 45 Vegetarian Recipes from the Middle East escrito por M. A. Kishek se publicó el domingo, 23 de marzo de 2014 en la categoría Dietas especiales. Un total de 138 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico 45 vegetarian recipes from the middle east (95.05 MB)

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