Reseña de The New Rules of Aging Well

Frank Lipman & Danielle Claro

The New Rules of Aging Well de Frank Lipman & Danielle Claro Resumen del Libro

“Essential reading for COVID times. . . . The tool we all need right now: a smart, straightforward guide that speaks directly to the question: How can I build a strong immune system? The book is packed with clear, actionable advice for building a strong immune system, losing weight, feeling younger and aging beautifully.”
—Yahoo! Life

How you age is up to you. And it’s easy to take charge.

From the renowned integrative doctor Frank Lipman comes a radically simple program to reverse the symptoms we reflexively call “normal aging,” including feeling achy, stiff, sluggish, weak, and vulnerable to chronic illness. This improves not only our life span but, more importantly, our health span—our quality of life and how we feel.

Built on a series of lifestyle changes that energize the body and build and strengthen its immune system, The New Rules of Aging Well is based on ancient wisdom backed up by science: Eat less and practice intermittent fasting. Do 20 minutes a day of something meditative. Switch to gentler workouts, but move as much as possible. Unlock the incredible power of mushrooms. Grow your tribe. Walk barefoot when you can.

The result: a rejuvenated you that looks great and feels healthy, happy, sexy, agile, and strong.

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Nombre del libro The New Rules of Aging Well
Género Salud, mente y cuerpo
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 34.34 MB

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Descarga de The New Rules of Aging Well E-Book

El libro The New Rules of Aging Well escrito por Frank Lipman & Danielle Claro se publicó el martes, 7 de julio de 2020 en la categoría Salud, mente y cuerpo. Un total de 44 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico the new rules of aging well (34.34 MB)

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