Reseña de A Vegan Easter Celebrate The End Of Animal Sacrifice The Way Jesus Meant It To Be

Greg Dinneen

A Vegan Easter Celebrate The End Of Animal Sacrifice The Way Jesus Meant It To Be de Greg Dinneen Resumen del Libro

Christians commemorate the Last Supper, Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus at Easter – the time when Jesus abolished animal sacrifice and replaced it with bread and wine.

If ever there was a time to celebrate the abolition of animal sacrifice.
Easter is it.

One can eat the same foods for a Vegan Easter, as for a Vegan Christmas or a Vegan Thanksgiving, with the addition of chocolate Easter eggs, chocolate rabbits and hot cross buns.

With fruit, nuts, grains, herbs and vegetables, that were available in the Middle East at the time of Jesus. Including bread and wine, which Jesus said to eat and drink, "in memory of me".

And, slices of firm tofu can easily replace turkey or chicken.

This book also, includes "Should Christians Be Vegetarians", the Definition Of Veganism, what is and what is not Vegan Food, and the Health Hazards of Long-Term Vegan Diets.

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Nombre del libro A Vegan Easter Celebrate The End Of Animal Sacrifice The Way Jesus Meant It To Be
Género Dietas especiales
Idioma Español
Tamaño del e-libro 85.36 KB

A Vegan Easter Celebrate The End Of Animal Sacrifice The Way Jesus Meant It To Be (Greg Dinneen) Análisis y Personajes

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El libro A Vegan Easter Celebrate The End Of Animal Sacrifice The Way Jesus Meant It To Be escrito por Greg Dinneen se publicó el miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2015 en la categoría Dietas especiales. Un total de 0 lectores del libro le dieron al libro 0 puntos sobre 5. Se actualizará el enlace de descarga del libro electrónico a vegan easter celebrate the end of animal sacrifice the way jesus meant it to be (85.36 KB)

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