The May Day Murders Book Reviews

Scott Wittenburg

The May Day Murders by Scott Wittenburg Book Summary

The tranquility of Smithtown, Ohio is shattered when David Bradley arrives home to find that his wife has been raped and murdered by someone who left no clues behind except the words “May Day” painted on her body. Reporter Sam Middleton is determined to help police find the killer of his ex-wife's friend as they learn that another Smithtown woman has been murdered. Who will the next victim be?

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Book Name The May Day Murders
Genre Mysteries & Thrillers
Language English
E-Book Size 388.41 KB

The May Day Murders (Scott Wittenburg) Book Reviews 2024

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OK. I found this book to be just Ok. Spelling errors and the way the script was written, example, two people speaking to each with no one else involved, constantly using each others name in every other sentence was annoying to me. The story it's self wasn't too bad.

The May Day Murders. A bit predictable! Fast read, entertaining for the most part. Many misspelled or missing words.

May Day Murders. Not a bad story, but doesn't this publisher have editors? Tenses don't agree, pronoun combinations are ghastly, and I believe I learned about plurals & possessive apostrophes in 4th grade! UGH....par for about a ninth grade effort.

The mayday murders. The book is a good read, predictable but well written. It was my first read on my son's iPad, he started to wonder if I had got hooked on to gaming! That's how much I could not keep it down!!!

Good book. Great read. Can't beat the price. Little predictable but fun read.

May Day. This was a pretty good book. I finished it in two days because I just couldn't put it down. My only issues with it are, personally I hate happy lovey dovey endings. And more importantly, there are many typos throughout the book which is just a pet peeve of mine.

May Day. My first impression is that May Day reads like a first attempt at writing, pulled together by someone who is not quite put together. A chronicle too simplistic like it belongs to the case study by a psychoanalyst sans analysis. Lengthy explanations and prose-like recitations make me want to skip the rest and move on to the next episode. Idioms sprinkled throughout make me think ‘for lack of a better term’ should explain them. An imaginative and inquisitive reader would find it wanting. The structure gets better organized nearly halfway through, a complete contrast from the beginning and sounding like authored by an entirely different person . It really takes off onto an ending that a serious mystery reader can appreciate and applaud. Kudos to Scott Wittenberg.

The May Day Murders. Good read, keeps you guessing but could have been longer.

Very Good Book. This was a very good read. The editing was a little off, but not really a problem for me. Story started well, characters fully developed, great good guys, awesome bad guy, ended good. Book was set in the late 1980's, I liked that.

The May Day Murders. I thoroughly enjoyed this authors style of writing and was having a hard time putting the book down! Thank you for an enjoyable read.

Nerve wrecking. Will have you on your toes the entire time! Great book! Highly recommended if looking for a great mystery.

"suddenly" my first review. The book was an easy ready....but the authors usage of repetitive adverbs, suddenly, and strode are two that stick out, was obscene. Also, the villain caught my attention upon first entry. I read the whole book...that says something because I will put a book down if I'm not into within chapter one.

Not a cozy. but an intense plot with interesting cast. Profanity and sexual situations (most unnecessary to plot development).

May day. Didn't grip or hold my interest. After several chapters flipped to the end and yes, as expected the bad guy was who i thought.

Uneven creepy mystery thriller.. I started out liking this book but ended up skimming and not caring. I just wanted to finish it. Some parts are reasonably well written but not all of the book holds up. Wordy and boring in parts that should hold tension. Sorry, but I can't recommend this.

The May Day murders. It's a lot of books In the world that are good but that was one of the best books I've EVER read!!!

Atlanta art. Crimes a little to graphic. Could have been handled with a bit more rewrite on the murders. Good read plot well thought out

Nice Read. The May Day murders was a very interesting read, but so predictable ,however, I liked it, so therefor I will be reading the next book in this series.

Good read. It was pretty easy early on to figure this one out but it was a good read.

The May Day Murders. I really enjoyed reading this book. The author is obviously very talented! Having said that, I was really surprised by the typos toward the end.

May Day Murders review. Excellent read! By far, one of the best I have read. This novel is full of hints, clues and intrigue and rolls along at a delightfully roller coaster like up and down pace! The ending surprised me and that is no easy feat. I can usually figure out who the killer is in a mystery novel but this one kept me guessing. Bravo to the author- well done!

May Day. I loved it.

Opinion. I did not like the perverse language. It detected from the plot. The identity of the villain was no surprise.

May Day murders. I loved this book! Great read...I just have one question is there a sequel because the very last page makes it seem that there is if so does anyone know what it's called?

The May Day Murders. It's unfortunate but this book misses many of the points I need in a book; believable characters, real life dialogue, a plot you don't shake your head at, proper grammar and punctuation.

Gratifying, Intense, Well Constructed Plot. Love this book. Read it in MyBooks and then I just had to own a hard copy. I had dreams going to sleep every night about these events. Couldn't put the book down. Very good attention to detail. Will read more books from this author.

The May Day Murders. I stumbled upon this e-book, chose it, and could barely put it down! A bit predictable but at the same time a page turner!

Good read.. Interesting story, kept me on my toes. I agree with another reviewer, was outdated and had some grammatical errors. Still a good story. I didn't agree with the epilogue however, but I am a woman.

Good read. Overall the book was good and suspenseful. Certain parts were a little slow and some of the dialogue was cheesy and drawn out but the overall story was good.

The May Day Murders. Good read. I had a hard time putting it down. Well written.

The May Day Murders. I enjoyed this book very much. I particularly enjoyed the beginning and the end. They were a a real spellbound. The middle lost my attention but the ending more than made up for it.

2 Thumbs Up!!!. A great read read from start to finish!!

Poor writing. Amateur writing. Immature plot. Not worth the time when there are so many well written books available.

'Meh. While it kept my wasn't written very well and the dialogue didn't seem genuine! Simple murder mystery...can see it coming from a mile away!

0. Poor grammar made me stop reading after 1 page.

May Day Murders. I loved the book, but I dislike when endings feel rushed and end fast, a whole story and it gets wrapped up in 2 pages…I wish there would have been more action/suspense. Good read though.

Good read. Good book, could have been better but it defiantly kept my interest the whole way. Recommend

Addictive!!!!. One of the most addictive books I've ever read.

Great Read. This was a great book. Easy to read. A lot of twist and turns. Loved it.

The May Day Murders. Not a bad plot line but very amateurish writing....almost like a "B" movie.

The May Day Murders. Easy read, entertaining, good plot. Not a Grisham or a Balducci, but definitely a good writer.

great !. First book i've read in a few years & i'm glad i chose this one. loved it. like i love these hoes.

The May Day Murders. Interesting — no dragging. Well enough written to make a good read. Irritates me, though, when author does not know how to use personal pronouns properly.

Mayday murders. It was predictable but what was with putting the last name in for two of the main characters? I can not tell you how many time I read the name "Jerry Rankin". Same with the Shelly character. It was almost like an auto correct or auto fill where if you started to type a name it would complete it with last name too.

#Enticing. I loved every part of this book.I went through so many emotions.Wish there was a sequel.

Plastic surgery anyone?. This story told a lot of truths regarding divorced families, from the independently lonesome parents to their only child. It touches on the problems all three face. The psycho killer, who had serious plastic surgery was not quite believable.

Horrible!. Horrible plot. Two chapters into the boom you know who the killer is. Painfully obvious. I could have written a better plot without all the cussing and sex. F word used more than three dozen times! Sex in almost every chapter. Premarital sex at that! So unless you like a horrible plot line filled with profanity and sex. This book is definitely not a good read.

Interesting twist on serial killer. When a slighted teen becomes a vengeful man, no one could discover the links. While the body of the book was somewhat logical, I didn’t think that the end made any sense. In terms of flow and how the mystery ended, it was very unsatisfying and unbelievable.

Mayday murders. Overall the book was pretty good a little predictable if your an avid mystery/thriller book worm as me 😊 but a good read

The mayday murders. A middle of the road mystery. Predictable, but nice characters.

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A very enjoyable read!. Got immersed in the characters, even Shelley! One of those books that I always looked forward to picking up, right from page 1.

May Day murders. Very gripping I couldn't put it down great read.

May Day murders. Good book but got it two thirds through. No sting in the tail.

Not bad but not brilliant. Easy to read although the writing is littered with mistakes. A little predictable and author has a tendency to drag out chapters unnecessarily. I still read and enjoyed the plot though.

Mr. Extremely predictable book and slightly weird.

Fab read. Great book , love every Page. Goo twist.

May Day. Just awful.

The Mayday Murders. Without doubt the worst book I’ve ever read. Just awful

The May Day murders. A gripping thriller. Couldn't put it down

The May Day Murders. Not a bad light who dunnit. Easy to read.

May Day Murders. Just finished reading May Day Murders by Scott Wittenburgh, well written, really enjoyed it. Would deffo reccommend it.

Meh !. A good read until about 3/4 of the way through the book when it appeared the author had hit the Gin. Missed words, misspelt words, it was down to the reader to fill in the blanks....perhaps next time they should pay up and get a proof reader before releasing their novel. All a bit too 'happy ending' to be believable!

May Day murders. Had me hooked!

May Day murders. Took a little getting into and was a little predictable in places, but a good read none the less. Flowed well with easy to read style of writing. Overall, enjoyable.

This is crap a pile of crap. This is crap a pile of crap scrap this book now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you

Dissapointed. Guessed the ended a lot earlier than sadly expected. A few twists and turns but unfortunately twigged she was main target and was to be same character with plastic surgery.

Absolutely fantastic. This book has to be the best book have read in a while. The suspense just makes you glued, I will definitely give this book an A*. A must read and trust me you won't have any regrets...

The May Day Murders. Excellent plot, interesting storyline and believable end. Romance, action, intrigue, murder, all in one package. A easy to read and not to long thriller. Hard to put down.

Good read. It was a good story however predictable half way through, plus few spelling errors.

Mayday murders. Poor plot. Meeting the killer in the supermarket led to an early and obvious outcome.

The May Day Murders. It wasn't too heavy, a nice bit of easy reading. I enjoyed it

The May Day Murders. Easy read, bit predictable.

Must read!!!. An amazing book! Couldn't keep my eyes off it for a second, good story line and well planned. One of the best books I have read by far.

A bit clichéd. Although the book was entertaining, It was very obvious who the killer was from the supermarket incident onwards. Ending was boring. I really didn't want Ann to get back with Sam- considering that earlier in the book he admitted to falling out of love with Ann and just loving her in a caring way!! Came across that he was just getting back with her for comfort reasons. Kind of depressing that the writer likes to write off women- not even 40, as old hags. I am in my 20s and that is quite a depressing thought. The writer made out it was some kind of miracle that a woman in her late 30s can still possibly be attractive but the men are all ripped / hunky dudes that can pull women 6 years older than their young daughter! Ha!

Awesome Novel. This book rocked! I've never read a book with such enthusiasm.

Obvious Ending & Spelling Issues. Very obvious and was drawn out too long. Awful spelling mistakes, worst being one of the characters names, even on the same page & paragraph! (Shelley or Shelly??) Downloaded the sequel hoping for a better read

May Day Dullness. If I could give this book minus 1 star I would. It's predictable, unimaginative and dull. Watching paint dry is more riveting!!

Predictable. An easy read but the ending is obvious from about half way through if not before

The May murders. A brilliant book from start to finish .

Captivating read. Although I had worked out the answer this didn't matter (read it and you'll see why). I was reading this on the train and was gutted when I reached my stop. A believable, story line with just the right pace to keep you wanting to read on.

The May Day murders. This book made for great reading. I was totally hooked from start to finish. Good story line, good plot and never a dull moment throughout.

Jeannie. Great book; really enjoyed it

May Day Murders. Gripping, exciting, read it in three days, can't wait to read another one of your books.

May Day. Enjoyed this book so much.Must look out for more book by Scott Wittenberg .

The May Day Murders. Excellent book, couldn't put it down

Authors are great. ... It was a very fascinating book and very chilling you just wanted to read more and know what was happening in it!! Great book Scott Wittenburg, you are amazing at writing chilling thrillers!! I really enjoyed it, it made me jump at some parts!! Well done!!

a good read. For an avid reader/watcher of crime/mystery it was a bit predictable. I would however (and why I've given 4 stars) definitely buy books from this author again as it was an enjoyable well written book.

Amazing read. Couldn't put it down, read it in 3 days. A few spelling and punctuality mistakes but a must read!

May day murder. Well written and sometimes a bit too detailed but mastered for 4* in mho Good book

Predictable story, gullible characters!. Mostly skimmed this book as it was pretty boring and predictable.

Average. The story is very cliche and there are lots of typos.

May Day Murders. Predictable and a story you can pick up and put down when necessary but a good read all the same. I enjoyed it

Predictable. An easy read but guessed the ending about a 1/4 of the way through. Not enough suspense for a thriller read for me! Nicely written though and ok as a thriller goes.

Great light read. A little predictable but good, catching story

Predictable. Seriously predictable Honestly could tell who the murder would be once they were mentioned them telling them the identity proved me correct. It could have been halved but dragged on with a dreadful plot

Swietna ksiazka. Ciekawa i intrygujaca historia morderstw w malym miasteczku w USA. Momentami nudnawa jak dla mnie za duzo zbyt szczegolowych opisow. Aczkolwiek historia interesujaca, fajnie napisana i bardzo latwo sie czyta. Polacam.

May Day Murders. Excellent gripping read

Great Read. A great read and compelling storyline. Good characters and a fast moving script. I will be looking out for more titles from this author.

Mind boggling. Fabulous story, well put together, and a good Twist at the end, engrossing, couldn't put it down and that's the recommendation for a "Good book" loved it !!

May day Murders. quick and easy to get going, cleverly wrtten, wellks jjan drawn characters couldn’t put it down. a lot of typos, else brilliant, now hunting for more by this author, Thanks jj

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Excellent book!. Such a great story line, even though I did pick up on a few spelling and grammatical errors, but it was still absolutely enthralling and captivating read!!

May Day. Good book, good storyline. Recommended read

The May Day Murders. Absolutely brilliant. Could not put it down!!

The May Day Murders. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, I had a job to put it down, I did guess who the murderer was, but wished the book wouldn't end, it was a good read.

Awesome read!!. Loved it. Great read all the way through.

Mayday murders.. A thoroughly good read ,with plenty of suspense and wondering what is coming next.The plot was good and fast, moving.

A compelling read.. Have just finished reading May Day Murders and thoroughly enjoyed. Have now read 3 of Scott's books and have enjoyed all three.

The May Day Murders. Not to bad a read has a sicko bad guy

May Day. Good reading, good plot,

The May Day Murders. This was a fantastic book, I found it fast paced, intriguing and very hard to put down. Loved the mystery and the way in which the writer kept you on the edge of your seat. Well done 10/10.

Great book!. Highly recommend for true crime lovers

A good read. I have just finished this book and I have to say I enjoyed it. Kept me interested all the way through. I must read more from this author.

The May Day Murders. Formulaic. Predictable. Cliched. Thin underdeveloped characterisation. More caricature than character. Unrealistic speech which adds to the unrealistic and manufactured feeling of the novel. Voyeuristic episodes and unsophisticated plotting would permit reader to conclude author was a teenage male rather than mature novelist. Reads like a B movie script. Totally lacking turn of phrase and responsible editing. Tired plot devices. I only continued reading because I believed it had to get better. I was wrong. I can't understand how this book was published. I am somewhat relieved by the fact I did not pay for this book. Put simply, this is the worst book I have read, and the worst movie my mind's eye could ever imagine. Whoever allowed this book to be published should be ashamed. If the review system allowed negative ratings, I would give May Day Murders minus three stars.

Very intriguing. It keeps u guessing and it engrossing.

The May Day murders. Very light weight and waffly

The may day murders. Easy to read... Good storyline but at times predictable! Good light reading.

Great read,. Quick and easy reading...

Easy read. A bit predictable but enjoyable.

May Day Murders. Loved the book, good read... But did anyone proof read this book? Quite a few Grammar mistakes....

Great read. I really enjoyed this book it had it everything a crime thriller has to offer suspense the details were things you can picture .Then the personal side in family life.

The May Day Murders. A very enjoyable story. Blood curdling but also interesting Sam was really great, big mistake in the beginning from him, Ann over reacted I think. Amy also was great. Loved the story.

Good read. Kept me entertained the whole way through, only down point is the amount of spelling errors!

The May Day murders. Exciting reading keeps you on the edge of your seat all the way

The May Day Murders. I found the storyline quite good, though I easily worked out what was happening. I recommend this book if you like crime stories. Only gripe I really have is the spelling and grammar errors are atrocious! There was definitely no editor who checked this book before it was released.

The May Day Murders. Good thriller, if a little formulaic.

May Day murders. Thanks that was a good read

The May Day Murders. While the ending is fairly predictable, it's an enjoyable read and I almost didn't mind knowing the ending as the journey getting there was fast paced and interesting.

May Day murders. Loved it, couldn't stop within a day

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May Day Murders. It was a pretty good read respite the dialogue language of the author. Hard to believe this was written in 2009 as the general lingo of the characters brings to mind the 1950's and 1960's.

Wow. Excellent book - it truly held your interest all the way through. Did not want to stop reading.

May Day Murders. Intense and spine chilling. But the large number of typos was distracting!

typical. typical male author. what garbage.

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Summary of The May Day Murders by Scott Wittenburg

The The May Day Murders book written by Scott Wittenburg was published on 23 January 2010, Saturday in the Mysteries & Thrillers category. A total of 2,481 readers of the book gave the book 4 points out of 5.

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